I Opt Out

Brian Brewington
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2018


From this very moment forward I no longer subscribe — to your priorities, principles and pointless pursuits. I opt out of your social norms that I always found rather irregular to begin with. I want no part of your charade. I’m no longer a clown in your circus. I won’t march in your parade.

I opt out of being told what to care about and who my heroes are. From being told who to hate, where they come from and how they got here.

I opt out of being told who to admire and where they bank at. How much money their father left them and how many people they underpaid with it.

I want no part in any of your party’s politics, I’d rather make an art out of crashing your crooked political party I never got my invite to.

I opt out of your institutions and their oh so broken values. From what society tells me I need to make me whole again. I’m not buying what you’re selling, I’m instead returning to sender.

I’ve got no attention to pay, to anyone who expects me to believe they’ll do what they say on election day.

It’s time we rise above the small and those whose entire lives have been tired lies so they hide behind a wall.

The same one they waste all their time and our dime trying to sign into law and blindly install.

I opt out of your heartless so called thoughts and prayers.
The ones you oughta’ stop and pause before you share.

I don’t want to join in on any of your reindeer games. The table was always tilted something fierce and it was never in my favor.

I opt out of your church basement gatherings. What’s spiritual about gossiping about your neighborhoods latest happenings?

The free trial period has expired and the whole experience kind of just left me feeling stressed out and tired.

Luckily for me, there’s not much involved in opting out of what I never subscribed to in the first place.

I opt out of all of the bullshit I never signed up for to begin with.



Brian Brewington
Other Voices

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©