image copyright © 2018 by me. | The big red wall just inside the Ikea employee entrance.

Ikea: beginnings

photos & verse from day Nº 1 as a new Ikea co-worker

Eric Griggs
Other Voices
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2018


Simple, diverse, and without much bureaucracy,
Ikea rewards folks based on a meritocracy.
I needed not dollars so much as the wealth
of benefits to help me maintain my health.

Image copyright © 2018, me. 1) Special parking for honored employees. 2) More than lip-service to diversity.
images copyright © 2018, me. 1) The first day’s long walk. 2) Co-woker demograpics at Ikea Charlotte

I entered my deets in the form found online,
sent in my resume, waited some time.
ironed crisp a shirt, so’s not to seem a slob,
then interviewed well and was offered the job!

image © 2018, me. Learning the ropes at team Ikea Charlotte

Perhaps young Mike, Charlie, Veruca, and all,
felt the same about Wonka’s chocolate waterfall,
as I did, new worker, now entering Eden,
retail paradise — that Ikea from Sweden!

images copyright © 2018, me. 1) Behold, behind the scenes at Ikea. 2) The Ikea employee lunchroom 3) The Ikea leaders’ open, shared office space

Of Ingvar and policy, how to clock-in,
and teamwork for helping folks doing shoppin’,
we learned and discussed — how no gold, cash or rubles,
buys loyalty like doing business with scruples.

images copyright © 2018, me. 1) Training in the conference room. 2) Finding our uniform sizes — a lot like band camp. 3) Taking a tour of the store.

Just like baby’s butt, lightly dusted with talcum,
the leaders in yellow sure made me feel welcome.
Greeted and treated to lunch, then this shocker:
a bright “howdy-do?” sign for me on my locker!

image copyright © 2018, me. The sign on my locker at Ikea.

So tomorrow, day two comes and I am not nervous,
to take up the mantle of customer service.
This part-time employment seems like it will be,
a lifestyle-enhancing opportunity.

images copyright © 2018, me. 1) My new employee badge. 2) Hopes. 3) This way home.

Ikea for hardcore simulator gamers:



Eric Griggs
Other Voices

Juxtaposeur, technical analyst, process engineer, poet wordsmith, INTJ, Anansi, MBTI certified practitioner & team-builder, certifiable fabulist & Uppity Queer™