Is It Ever Too Late To Atone?

This is the most important post I’ve ever made

Jeffrey Field
Other Voices
2 min readFeb 1, 2018



I never told Stella I killed Artis. I never told anyone. Except you.

How many times have I asked for forgiveness? Too many to count, really. Never found the peace I was looking for. Until today.

I’m 73, and at this stage of the game I’m exploring ideas and philosophies I’d put aside when I was younger. Today, the most relevant “self- study spiritual thought system” I’m studying is A Course in Miracles.

Be forewarned, this is no walk in the park. I’ve only taken baby steps, and there is much I do not grasp. And yet, I’ve been reassured that you need not grasp the concepts to be changed by them. To be made whole again. With that, I’m totally on board.

Kenneth Wapnick is one of the foremost enablers of A Course in Miracles. Here’s an example…

For an even more, shall I say, prettied up interpretation there is Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love. I’m reading/alternating between the course itself and her book. And it is here, now, that I come to the miracle.

On page 72 of the Williamson’s hardback edition today I read,

We all encounter situations in our lives where we wish we hadn’t done something we did, or wish we had done something we didn’t. They’re those moments in our lives , be they yesterday or several years ago, that make us cringe to think about it. One of the most freeing techniques provided us in A Course in Miracles is a prayer on page 83 of the Text, in which we instruct the universe to undo our errors.

And so, without hesitation, I recited, with tears in my eyes…

� To surrender the past to the Holy Spirit is to ask that only loving, helpful thoughts about it remain in our minds, and all the rest be let go.

� I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.

� I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.

� I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace.

� I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit will undo all consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him.

� I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for me.

I don’t mean to evangelize here. That is not my reason for writing this. I only wish to share my personal experience as I witnessed it. For today, finally, I am at peace.

I love you, Artis!



Jeffrey Field
Other Voices

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at