It is Enough (A Haibun)

Today’s Focail do a Chara

Christine Salkin Davis
Other Voices
1 min readJan 12, 2018


Public Domain/News Dog Media

I can’t solve every-
one’s problems. I am enough.
People will suffer

and die, hunger, poverty, wars will wage, bodies fail, struggles abound, need need need. My shoulders cannot hold all the cares in my world.

Demanding barking
dog. I am enough. Even
if all the greed in

the world gave way to generosity, compassion, justice, the doomsday clock frozen,

I am enough. time
would still march to her own beat,
timeless clock ticking,

closer, closer, closer, to the reckoning. I am enough. I feel like mile 20 of a marathon, uphill, in a hailstorm. this new chapter —

I am afraid to
turn the page. I am enough.
Right here now. enough.

© Christine Salkin Davis, 2018

Originally published at on January 12, 2018.



Christine Salkin Davis
Other Voices

I write a blog called "Focail do a Chara," a compilation of arts-based, poetic, and narrative thoughts on living and dying, caring and being.