Bad movie.
Kali Yuga.
I paid good money for this?
Bad movie.

I do not like the story.
I do not like the actors.
I do not like the script.
I do not like the tie-ins.

Bad movie.
Kali Yuga.
I hate this movie.
Bad movie.

I do not like the director.
I do not like the producer.
I do not like the screenwriter.
I do not like the film poster.


John Waters: I never feel cheated when I go to the movies. Even if I hate it, it’s an experience. It’s a cinematic experience. And that’s why I started taking these pictures. There’s no such thing as a bad movie if you go to a movie watching detail only. If you really hate the movie, just look at the lamps in it and pretend the movie is about lamps. And…

And then never is it boring. It’s always exciting, and it’s always surprising. You can even see continuity mistakes within the lamps.

Pay attention to the lamps.
Pretend the movie is about lamps.
Lamps of destruction,
Lamps of creation.
Round and round we go.
Where it stops nobody knows.

A Parable

Once a king asked his wise men to give him something that would make him happy when he is sad, and sad when he is happy. The wise men spent days thinking about it in silence and watching the clouds go by. On the fourth day, they wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to the king. When the king read it, he thanked them. What did it say?

“This too, shall pass.”



Jeffrey Field
Other Voices

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at