Emanuel Mwangi
Other Voices
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2017


Meet Me Halfway​…

I was always awake at 3 in the morning on most days,
Not cause I was insomniac or practiced sorcery at ungodly hours​ or any hour,
But because it’s the writers' hour -
Then I thought of taking a break and log in to Messenger and see if I was the only soul awake,
There was a long list,
A long list,
But there was one person on the list,
She was online and my mind started whirling,
I went through her photo album and the thirst grew,
Minute by minute, photo by photo,
With funny captions, photo by photo,
I took the last sip of water from the glass,
And I thought I could take my chance,
Text her and wait,
Then if she got mad I could cook a lame explanation,
Like I sat on the phone and it went through the friend list and it texted itself,
But then telepathy did its thing,
She texted first ...
Talk of a kindred spirit...
That Messenger ringtone almost made me fall off behind the study table,
Awkward introductions and I felt like I knew her since childhood,
My childhood was filled with poetry performances and Wangari Maathai would attestify to that...

Sometimes I texted faster than I could think,
I was excited and couldn't think,
I dozed off with the phone in my hand,

I whipped out the phone the next day after work to a missed call,
Put back the phone and promised to call back when I got to the house,
But then I was exhausted and I dozed off,
Hell has no fury like a woman who hasn't been texted back,
She was annoyed and made me a memory,
Told me to jump off a cliff and see if she cared,
That was the end-
But not to me, it wasn't the end,
She still flashes across my mind and I keep wishing,
I keep cursing under my breath and sometimes regret-
Everytime she posts her photos I run my hand over the screen of my phone like an assassin with an intent,
What aches my mind is how I see her face everyday so I know she's camped in my heart...

I'll show up at your office with my heart in my hand,
I'll show up at that club when you're partying with flowers in my hand,
I'll show up at that coffee date with dreams in my hand,
I'll tell you about all of them,
The kids I had with you in my dreams,
The vacations we went together in those dreams,
The cottages and Castles we built together in those dreams,
The love we made room to room to the balcony in those dreams,
The poetry shows we went together hand in hand in those dreams
Rugby games we went together in those dreams,
Poetry awards I won writing for you in those dreams...
Meet me halfway.

Emanuel ✍

