Photo by Kyle Morgan

Riptides Kill

Kyle Morgan
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2019


At that first tug, I felt panic;
And timid excitement.

Ignorant of its power,
I denied it was there

Until it took me out

Like a riptide into open water

I tried to keep my head up,
Struggled to breathe on my own strength…

But when I lost sight of the shore-
I couldn’t fight anymore

I was pulled under,

I succumbed to the irresistible currents.

I had been right to struggle,

But I was shown a wonderful new
World Beneath,

In the end-
I was too weak.
And I was taught the power of that turbulent sea as it tore me apart,
replacing my soul with still water.

Who I was will never be, again;
One of the many tragedies of the sea.

Photo by kyle morgan and



Kyle Morgan
Other Voices

I write and stuff. I published some fiction on Kindle over the last few years and I make a little money off of that. It was a pen name and NO you can’t read it.