Saigon Sorrows

Pierre Gaspard
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readJan 14, 2018

Let’s go to Saigon baby, come on!

Let’s hop a ship and take a trip to a little place

I like to call Saigon.

They got good smoke down there amongst the Viet Cong villages

Villages aflame, destruction wrought with napalm.

Marines moving, ever moving

Smoking dope, hoping to the see the sunrise

Lose a few friends in the battles to come

Let their ghosts haunt your every step

Why god,why god, did you make me go to Saigon

Oh the jungle noises make me go insane

The horror!

Oh GOD, the horror!

Stay up river, for the angels of death and destruction lay just ahead

Boots sink in the mud, men sink to their knees and die

Morphine, the only solace before death’s warm embrace

Silence, finally no more Viet Cong

