Springtime Love Games

What happens when the lilacs bloom

Other Voices
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019


Welcoming the breeze, Freida took a deep whiff of the scent of lilac riding that breeze. She was overheated and stopped to rest and cool down. The lilac scent seemed to cool her even more so than the breeze.

Sitting on a log, she closed her eyes and listened to the birds and the chattering of the squirrels and the babbling of the brook. He would never think to look for her here in the forest.

Spring was in full expression as was her joy. It was not long ago that her life seemed as dreary as the gray winter. Like the lilacs, she felt that she was blossoming, coming alive.

Opening her eyes, she looked up. The blue sky was pulling her skyward. She felt that she could rise up beyond the trees and fly like a bird. If only every day could be like this.

Hearing the snap of twigs, she turned around and there he was, a smile on his face and a sprig of lilac in his hand.

“How did you find me?”

“I simply followed my heart. Plus I used these lilac blossoms as a homing device. I figured since like attracts like the beauty of these flowers would lead me to the beauty of you.”

Freida rushed towards him and they fell into an embrace. They kissed and kissed and once again her temperature…

