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The Empty Field of Peace

A different kind of battle outcome

Other Voices
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2019


We walked together across the field. It was like we had become one entity with one singular purpose. Together we exuded a power none of us had ever experienced before individually.

Our mutual strength erased all doubt. There was no turning back.

Those on the other side of the field, their guns drawn, were beginning to lose their composure. It seemed that many of them were suddenly questioning what they were ordered to do. Their inner voices were rising up and challenging the morality of their purpose.

Suddenly, one of the men put down his weapon. Then another and another. Soon, over half the men had put down their weapons but the other half still held their guns aimed at us. It seemed they were waiting for us to cross some imaginary line in the field.

As we got closer the energy of our resolve began weakening. It was palpable. We began taking slower steps as we neared that invisible line. Our own inner voices began questioning what we were doing. Doubt and fear were dissipating our energy.

And then a strange thing happened. All the men on the other side of the field who had put down their weapons began walking unarmed towards us. With this, a few more men put down their weapons and some of them began walking towards…

