The shooting — Part 1

Indu KS
Other Voices
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2017
Photo by Daan Stevens on Unsplash

You know how the heroes in action movies go on fighting even after being shot? Where they continue to be the brave hearted souls that they didn’t knew they always were and fight until their last breath.

That cannot be entirely true according to me, because when the first ever bullet has gone through my stomach all I had in my mind was “I don’t wanna die!” and maybe I even cried. I don’t know. All I could see was the blurry images of heads and felt some big hands touching where the bullet has been through and a fresh pain arose again and I continued to see the glimmering lights when I closed my eyes. I think I even said that I don’t want to die, I’m not entirely sure. The blurry heads began screaming at my face which I couldn’t figure out. Someone slapped my face and I jolted back. A square face with a weird mustache was saying “Focus! Can you see me?” It was funny.

Funny because obviously, I can see him, I wasn’t dead yet. It was funny only for a split second, fear engulfed me and my heart began to race faster when I thought “What if I’m gonna die and my last words would be I don’t wanna die?”

I think I said that out loud because the square face screamed “You’re not going to die” as he began plugging me to something, I didn’t quiet see. I think I heard beep sounds and then I saw my bloodied left hand as I closed my eyes. One thing is true though, you feel drifting through the time and nothing makes sense not even the thoughts in your head.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital gown and the pain in my mid rib was throbbing. I placed my hands over where I thought was the gun shot but it wasn’t in the stomach that I got shot, it was a little below the rib cage. I was still regaining my consciousness when the square face guy came and asked how I was doing. I was on vent and it was covering practically my whole face and I was too lazy to remove it, so I gave him thumbs up to indicate I don’t know where I am or what is happening but I’m alive so that’s a good thing and he smiled. I realized he didn’t have a square face it was more of a rectangular shape, rounded around the edges and a ton of black hair on top as if someone dumped it on his head and didn’t quite care to adjust it. But he did a good job in maintaining that, though some loose strands fell on his forehead.

“I’m just going to take a blood pressure test and you can sleep then” he said.

I fell back on my bed and drifted off. It must have been the pain killers or my weird dreams but I woke up with a jolt and I was sweating and I could see the square face was standing over me “Did I die! Am I in Hell?” I asked.

“No, you didn’t die” he laughed. His expression changed to a serious one “Your parents are here. You want to see them?”


I had a hard time consoling my mom. I kept saying that I was fine really, but she just kept crying. “You know mom, I got shot. I should be the one that’s crying” I said vexed.

She gave an expression that was somewhere between deep shock and disgust “I can’t believe it… oh,” she clasped her mouth and said to my dad “Can you believe her!” and stormed out.

My dad got up “She’s just worried that’s all” and he went out too.

It was now me, the square face and my brother in my room.

My brother casually looked up from his phone and asked “Hey, if you die, can I use your room?”

“If you as much as set your foot in my room I will haunt you for the rest of my afterlife” I said.

He rolled his eyes and continued playing on his phone.

My mom and dad entered along with the doctor and he ran some basic tests and said to my parents that I need to be in the ICU for at least a week and then they’ll decide if I should go home or not.

“A week!” I said trying to get up. But the pain made my vision blurry and I fell right back on to bed.

“Yes, a week” the doctor said eyeing me.

“Well the visiting hours will be over in about… fifteen minutes. You know we can’t allow anyone inside ma’am. I hope you understand.” The doctor said and went away.

My dad sat beside me on the bed. The pain was still horrible but I was determined not to cry in front of my dad.

“How did this happen?” he asked and I noticed he too was trying hard not to lose it in front of me. I tried to gather my thoughts together and rewind to the time I got shot. There were two guys I think and was it in the evening? The pain was making it hard for me to think straight and with my dad here I couldn’t afford to cry and I didn’t want to seem weak by crying, so I said “I don’t know dad, I guess I was at the wrong place at the wrong time”

After talking and consoling for about 10 minutes they left and the nurse gave me a shot of antibiotic and I slept.

When I woke, it was pretty late and the square face nurse guy was sitting across me reading about the anatomy of the human body.

Noticing that I woke up, he said “Guess it’s time for another antibiotic huh?”

“Fight me” I put my hands in a fist. Getting an antibiotic shot is a painful process. I’m not going to go through that again!

“I don’t think I will win” he said raising his hands laughing “I guess the antibiotic can wait”

I smiled.

“What’s your name, nurse man?” I asked

“Seriously?” He smirked “never seen this before?” he flashed his name badge at me.

It said Jay.

I stared for a long time at the ceiling and by the time I woke my dad, Jay and my doctor were standing at the foot of my bed along with a police officer and a man.

“She’s the one” the doctor told the officer pointing towards me

“Ma’am we are from the police department and I need to ask you few questions.”

I nodded. I figured they came to interrogate me about the day of shooting.

“Ma’am do you remember the day of shooting clearly?” he asked taking out a notepad and his pen

“Yeah, I guess”

“Do you remember how the suicide happened?”

“Suicide? The man didn’t commit suicide.” I said “He was murdered.”

Hello! Thanks for reading.

If you liked it and want to know more about what actually happened, please leave a feedback.

I planned this to be a 3 part series(I might even push it to five!) let me know if you want to read more of what happened after!



Indu KS
Other Voices

I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.