There’s a man inside my brain

Indu KS
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2017

There’s a man inside my brain

Staring right through me with hungry eyes and harmful thoughts,

He’s always putting me down,

He always says I’m up to no good,

That I’m a waste of space,

That no one even loves me,

I’m nothing but trouble to everyone around me.

He whispers bad things to me all day long

In the nights, he’s even worse,

He keeps making me think of all the horrible things,

I can’t sleep.

I want to sleep,

but I can’t.

He keeps pestering me with all the terrible thoughts,

And I want it to stop,

But I don’t know how.

I tried ignoring him, but he always comes back.




Indu KS
Other Voices

I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.