They’ve Come Back and They’re Cutting

Jeffrey Field
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2017

This morning I woke to a second invasion of my body. They’d made a tiny slice on my left hand thumb. The flap is visible in the photo. I never felt it until I woke.

The previous morning they’d made a small incision on my right hand index finger. I never felt that, either.

Some years ago I was observed by four or five four-foot tall creatures gathered at the foot of my bed. I well remember my eyes opening while the rest of my body lay still. I felt nothing as I observed them observing me. It was as if I were drugged, or hypnotized. I soon grew bored with my observation and closed my eyes. I didn’t awaken until the next morning.

So, first visit was observational only, I presume.

This time, they’re taking samples.

I wonder what’s next.



Jeffrey Field
Other Voices

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at