
Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2018

Night after night
the old man’s head
explodes with ghosts,
past tense dreams
he took to bed
clamoring within him,
filled with faltering
voices of the dead.


Once I was caught
in a crazy place
where sudden death
lived under every rock.

Only pure luck
brought me home,
gifted me with time.

Now I’ve said
what I had to say.

Everyone’s luck
runs out one day.


A friend,
a book,
a garden,
a pen,
a convivial world.
A sanctuary
to enjoy
before the


We are not
distinct characters
that develop
as in a novel
with its
patterned strife,
but accumulated
pieces of pieces,
images we collect,
and call a life.


Truth is not a thing
to be owned.
It is a portal
into a room.
Never original.
Whole in itself.
Heard again.
A copy of an echo.
Living only where
the heart can sing.


History grinds us
very small.

Particulate matter
remains as grains
blown to the
four corners.

We are, we were,
soon forgotten,
we disappear
into the all.


I have dreamed myself
back to where I began.
The dreamer who dreams.
Not the man he seems.



Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.