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What Not to Say at Office Meetings

The story of an accidentally successful author

Other Voices
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Recent events made it difficult for Kailey to go to work. There was a murmur of subdued laughter every time she entered the office. Almost no one spoke to her anymore. She had become the laughingstock of the company.

Even her good friend Virginia did not want to be seen talking to Kailey. When they were alone they were good friends still but there were no outward signs of friendship in the open office. Kailey began questioning Virginia’s friendship.

After what she had blurted out at the office meeting Kailey was too embarrassed to even open her mouth and speak. She did not know what had come over her to say such a thing. Normally, she was much more guarded in her public utterances. It was like she had been taken over by some crazy entity who began speaking through her.

At home in the evenings she had begun working on her resume. The following week she planned on looking for a new job. She wondered, though, if any of her bosses would now give her a good recommendation after what she said. It seemed that her self-inflicted doom might have derailed any hope of future success.

Why did she have to use those words? Why did she have to be so honest? She was surprised that she had not been immediately fired. It may…

