Where’s That Free Will, Bill?

Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2017
Too Cool 2 Be True

The surreal is the real only more so.

Some things cannot be avoided.
If you stand still for too long
a coyote will saunter up, smile,
lift his leg, and piss on you.
It is inevitable as indigestion.
It’s the nature of the universe
and you can’t fool mother nature.
Same for ecstasy and heartbreak.
You can run but you’ll only tire.
All the dancing, feral creatures
schedule hoedowns in your head.
You can’t even choose the dates.
You have doubts about free will.
The happening keeps on happening.
Life seems a movie with no script.
A train wreck you must watch.
You are fucked in the micro.
You are fucked in the macro.
Not the fucking you had in mind.
Love leaves no mark upon the hill.
War, a video game with real blood.
All the dumb jungle birds sing jingles.
Madness has a life of its own.
Memory has suddenly been canceled.
You can only remember to forget.
All the drive ins have been closed.
The good old days never were.
People die and you can only shrug.
Boring eclipses occur regularly.
The sky is filled with doubt.
You complain incessantly, but
God is busy blessing insects.
Coyotes seem to be everywhere.
Some things cannot be avoided.



Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.