Will it really make everything OK?

Sana Rajar
Other Voices


-Sana Rajar

I was screaming hard with choked voice to get my childish heart back
But I wasn’t on the track
I lost my little heart with the turning phase.
I sacrificed my naive being for adding some years to my age.

Even if I try so much to fight against all odds.
But everything seems futile in front of those frauds.
I lose my courage.
After doing things that don’t change.
I want to unite us all again.
Which will surely reduce our pain
Though I look so courageous
But something inside me breaking each day with the inhuman rage
Each day when peace is nowhere found
Reminds me of days when my words used to echo
Because of so much peace around
But today even my silence disturb the surround.

So I am trying to get aside from the crowd
And speak my own words.
To express words of humanity
To make you feel again that serenity
When our priority was our house, not the land.
Our need wasn’t these domes
And there was a difference in a house and a home
Your deeds are not from your heart.
Then why you’re chasing things. Which is making us apart?
Is it necessary to give them that part?
Or relations are much less important in this chart.
Today I’m happy to see us back together
But inside me, I know we are together from the body not from the soul
There is so much chaos inside us all
And so many differences that we’re hiding from all
Only to give a company to these bodies
But what about the lonely soul
What about that loneliness inside
All seems very hard to decide
It needs someone to give a company too
But no ones tries to accompany the very true
The reality lies inside not outside.
Our heart suffering from the inner issues
But mind busy in comforting the outer tissues.

We think giving company to these bodies will make everything OK.

Will it really make everything okay?

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