Words Worlds Whirl

Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2017
Week in Space

“listen: there’s a hell of a good
universe next door; let’s go”

E.E. Cummings

No need to be caught in mortal coils.
Fly the friendly highs of the sublime.
Speak to eloquent faces missing mouths.
Depend upon incandescent reality.
Embrace what sings beneath your wings.
Make mountains of marvelous molehills.
See through cataracts’ blurry perfection.
Imagine what you can’t quite imagine.
The world beyond is the place to flee.

Where zucchini shiver through blizzards.
Where cats take orders and are content.
Where rainbows flow like tinted water.
Where butterflies surf tsunamis.
Where concupiscent cassowaries cower.
Where the demonic powers of bees wax.
Where palindromes sing ever solos.
Where no pun ever goes unpunished.
Where only the impossible is possible.

Believe in the power of what isn’t.
It isn’t only because it already is.

Consider that better just might be
the beating heart of surreality.

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Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.