2022: A Year in Review

Gelato Network
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2022

Hey Gelato Fam,

As 2022 comes to a close, we’d like to extend a warm thank you to our community for supporting and being on this journey with us to build web3’s decentralized backend.

This past year was the year that Gelato became the largest decentralized automation service in web3, powering over 200 projects! We couldn’t have reached this milestone without your trust in our vision and dedication to building a decentralized future. Your trust spurred us to achieve, on average, 30% month-on-month growth. Going forward, we’ll continue to be relentlessly uncompromising when it comes to the relationship between development speed, reliability and decentralization for developers.

2022 was also the year we expanded our services and vision beyond smart contract automation with Gelato Relay, enabling cross-chain messaging protocols such as Connext, and NFT marketplace such as NFTrade to scale and serve thousands of users.

We’ve reached huge milestones, and are ready to reach new heights with renewed vigor. Up next, we’ve already teased some upcoming features like off-chain resolvers, and will also be moving towards further decentralization with our p2p executor launch. Keep an eye out for our plans and a detailed roadmap for 2023 soon™!

The next few years will be an exciting time for all of us, and we look forward to continuing to work together to build a more resilient future.

Right now though, it’s time to pop some champagne, put on our party hats, and celebrate all we’ve accomplished in the last year!

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build with us, thank you for being a part of the Gelato Fam.

From all of us here at Gelato HQ, have a happy new year!

Hilmar Orth & Luis Schliesske

