Gelato Newsletter- December 2022

Gelato Network
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2023

Even by crypto standards, 2022 was a pretty wild year!

From bull to bear, from rocket emojis to rugpulls, we’ve run the gamut- which makes us even more excited to see what 2023 has in store!

Outside of the market chaos, we here at Gelato HQ kept our heads down and did what we do best: build. And we’re proud to say that strategy paid off, by the end of 2022 we powered over 200 dApps, onboarded 189 new projects, achieved an average of 30% MoM Transaction growth and expanded our team by 18! Over the past year we’ve achieved the following milestones:

  • Our website got a fresh new look as did our mission: Gelato is web3’s decentralized backend
  • We held events with our frens at Optimism, Avalanche, and Connext (congrats if you got the limited edition OAT for attending!)
  • In 2021 we launched V1 of Gelato Relay, and in 2022 came Relay V2 and our brand-new payment system 1Balance! Developers can leverage our proven multichain API to easily integrate gasless transactions into their web3 apps. This reduces onboarding friction and improves overall UX
  • We also upgraded the Gelato Automate SDK to introduce new features such as Task Modules, a revamped dashboard and more!

We attended events in:

Gelato Wrapped

We hit 1M, 2M, & 3M transactions in one year!

We ended the year on a high of over 3000 unique task creators, a steady consistent increase that is set to continue in 2023

We cornered 80% of the smart contract automation market, making us the only logical choice for your smart contract automation needs

December Integrations Spotlight

The Gelatoverse continues to expand, with no signs of slowing down.

ICYMI, RenaissanceNFT used Relay to enable the Renault mint while enabling FIAT payments. This is a huge milestone for not just us, but the web3 community at large as it demonstrates the progress we are making towards mass adoption.

Trader Joe also integrated Gelato Automate for ‘Plague Game:’

“We integrated the Gelato Automate contract to help streamline developer operations for our game, Plague Game. The contract was incredibly easy to integrate and set up, enabling us to automate tasks that had to happen in each epoch of the game. Gelato Automate therefore saved us time and resources whilst also helping to ensure consistency of operations in game.”

0xMurloc — Cofounder

What’s Next?

We’re working on features such as off-chain resolvers, and are excited to share more details with you guys!

We’re also taking a step towards decentralization with our p2p executor launch, and are working on a decentralization roadmap that we can walk you through!

About Gelato Network

Gelato is web3’s decentralized backend empowering builders to create augmented smart contracts that are automated, gasless & off-chain aware.

Leading Web3 projects rely on Gelato to power the execution of millions of transactions across DeFi, NFT and Gaming.

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