Gelato Community Update — Feb 2023

Gelato Dan
Gelato Network
Published in
5 min readMar 4, 2023

We’ve got some very cool updates for you this month- quite literally as we’re at EthDenver! We’ve had a standout month so far, with the launch of Koru DAO: the first DAO-controlled account on Lens, being a partner for Coinbase’s new L2 Base, and launching Web3 Functions (we’re offering Builder Bounties!)

Welcoming the very first Gelato Ambassadors onboard at ETHDenver

Introducing KoruDAO : the first DAO-controlled account on Lens

Why is it so important that we have control over our data, and how can KoruDAO answer the complicated question of who gets to decide what’s acceptable on the internet and what isn’t?

Powered by Gelato Relay, this radical new experiment opens up new possibilities for communities and creators on Lens and empowers them to have ownership over their content.

With a Koru NFT, DAO members can post, mirror and follow other accounts on Lens!

Introducing KoruDAO: the first DAO-controlled account on Lens!

Find more info on Koru here:

Some bAAsed news…

Gelato and Safe have made their account abstraction infrastructure and developer SDK available on the Base Testnet- a new L2 incubated by Coinbase!

Base allows developers to build applications using smart contract wallets as first-class citizens, offering a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way to build dApps on-chain. It even has plans to progressively decentralize over time!

This new L2 aims to address the limitations of the Ethereum blockchain (high gas costs, developers needing to create user interfaces to accommodate both smart contract wallet users and EOA users which makes the application more difficult to maintain, etc). Base aims to address the key challenges above by:

- Reducing fees by being its own L2

- Enabling developers to create dApps with Account Abstraction already in mind

This will simplify the development process and reduce the technical debt associated with legacy EOA accounts.

To learn more about Base and explore how you can use Account Abstraction, check out our blog post.

Upgrade your app with Web3 Functions!

Web3 Functions can be thought of as decentralized cloud functions that enable web3 developers to:

  • Connect their smart contracts to off-chain data
  • Ensure this data is accurate and is signed off by multiple parties
  • Run off-chain computation
  • Execute transactions on all major blockchains
  • Send notifications triggered by events or state changes
  • Index and store data such as events and transaction receipts

Join the private beta:

P.S. We’re currently offering bounties to builders who incorporate Web3 Functions into their apps ⬇️


🍦March for Account Abstraction Hackathon:

February Performance Recap

In February, 178,662 transactions were executed by Gelato — bringing the total transaction count up to 4,294,124!

Gelato Automate

Gelato Automate executed 115,330 transactions in Feb, bringing the total transaction count for Automate up to over 1.9M!

Gelato Relay

Gelato Relay executed 51,269 transactions in February, bringing the total transaction count for Relay up to over 1.86M!

Integrations Spotlight

Gelato Ecosystem — Feb 2023

“Gelato has played an essential role in making web3 automation seamless and dependable for our products. Their on-chain automation has enabled us to focus more on building actual products than spending time processing transactions. The Web3 Functions feature is super powerful in adding off-chain intelligence to on-chain executions. We also appreciate their move to send all transactions on flashbots, making them private and less susceptible to frontrunning. Their transaction relay service helps us provide a smooth UX on the Brahma console.”

— @jainargh, Brahma Finance

“At Rysk we needed a way to automate critical infrastructure with confidence that our bots will always be live. Gelato’s tech stack is exceptional and simple to use and their team was on hand around the clock to help us with our deployment. We look forward to working with Gelato even more going forward!”— @Jib0xD, Protocol Engineering Lead, Rysk Finance

“We used Gelato to automate several of our function calls, and the best part was how quickly we set everything up. The user experience made the process very intuitive.” — Igor Yuzo, Co-Founder DeFrag


Gelato’s ETHDenver Builder Bounties are live! We’re offering bounties up to $6000 in GEL to build with our Gasless Wallet SDK and integrate Web3 Functions!

The March for Account Abstraction Hackathon is an exciting opportunity to showcase your skills while exploring the benefits of Account Abstraction! Gelato is offering bounties for the best Safe Core SDK x Gelato Integration, as well as for projects that integrate Web3 Functions & our Gasless Wallet SDK. If you have any questions or would like support, jump into our Discord and say hello! Feel free to ask all hackathon-related questions in the #account-abstraction-hackathon channel.

Developer Resources

About Gelato

Gelato is web3’s decentralized backend empowering builders to create augmented smart contracts that are automated, gasless & off-chain aware.

Leading Web3 projects rely on Gelato to power the execution of millions of transactions across DeFi, NFT and Gaming.

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