Gelato Low-Balance Notifications

Gelato Network
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Notifications can be an absolute lifesaver when you’re running pay-as-you-go tasks or simply want to avoid any pauses in your systems due to lack of funds.

With Gelato’s customized notification system, we’ll send you alerts on Telegram and Discord whenever your balance is below a certain threshold — giving you ample time to top up to keep your tasks going.

Even better, this works for every network — you can set it up once and it’ll monitor all chains on your behalf. In the future, Gelato will also support notifications for tasks that are failing to execute properly.

How can I set up low balance notifications?

Once you’ve connected your wallet to the Gelato app, click on your “Funds” balance in the top left corner. Then click on “Low Balance Alerts” to navigate to the notifications page, and follow the instructions below to set up notifications.

How to set up Telegram Notifications for Low Balance.

On a time crunch and need to know about the status of tasks immediately?

Set up notifications via Telegram and we’ll ping you immediately when your balance runs low so you can top up on the go, and we can keep the wheels turning.

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open telegram bot @GelatoWatcherBot and start the bot: /start

2. Send your address to the Telegram bot

3. You’ll get a prompt like this

All done! You’ll now receive notifications if your balance runs low.

If you want to opt out of these notifications from the app, use the /stop-notifying command.

Your notifications will stop.

How to set up Discord Notifications for Low Balance.

Join our thriving community for support, resources, and regular updates about the status of your tasks!

1. You will be prompted to this screen after accepting the invite

2. Run the command: /notify-dm address: <enter your wallet address here> in any channel in the Gelato server

3. You will be prompted to the below screen once the notifications are set

If you want to opt out of these notifications from the app, use /stop-notify-dm command.

Your notifications will stop.

For more information on how to set up low balance notifications, check out our docs, or contact us directly if you need additional help or information.

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