Meet the Gelato Team #2: Daniel and Patrick

Gelato Network
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2022

This week, we sat down with Daniel Cabrera from our engineering team and Patrick Schabhüttl from the BizDev team. Read up on what they had to say about all the inside scoop — what it’s been like working at Gelato, and what’s their go-to ice cream flavor!

Tell us about yourself — what’s your story?

Daniel: I am a computer scientist with a Master's in computer architecture and networks based in Barcelona, Spain. I started a Ph.D. in computer architecture at Barcelona Supercomputing Center about Programming models for hybrid solutions hardware/software and I quit to create a startup in 2012.

Thus I was a co-founder and CTO of a startup called Addfleet where we raise more than 3 million Euros with Telefonica, CaixaBank, and Inspirit, having a tech team of 20 people that were spread in Barcelona, Sao Paolo (Brasil), and Tandil (Argentina).

I also have been working as a tech consultant on my own consultancy firm, helping my clients to create their apps, scale up their systems and automate their processes.

I’m also teaching about big data and machine learning for fintech in an online university (Three points: The school for digital business).

Patrick: In my web2 life I was mostly working in the field of electronics/robotics for automotive and drone companies as well as different startups in fields like Augmented Reality.

How did you get into the blockchain, and why do you stay?

Daniel: I tried to enter web3 during the previous bear market in 2017 but unfortunately I couldn’t make it :(

In 2021 I decided to cut with everything and focus on web3 because I think that it’s the most revolutionary space in tech since the smartphones :)

Patrick: I first heard about blockchain/crypto in 2018, but discredited it rather fast after seeing the price action in this period of time.

It was not until 2020 that I got down the crypto rabbit hole with Ethereum to see the beauty of decentralization as well as individualism that comes from it.

After realizing the opportunity that lies within the space it was obvious to me that this is what I wanted to fully focus on.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here at Gelato, what would it be?

Daniel: Maestro gelatiere di Relay.

Patrick: I’m part of the biz dev team, which means that I’m helping Gelato frens integrate different products within the Gelato Ecosystem.

A big part is also a research of different use cases to see how Gelato can best support protocols with integrations in the ever-changing crypto landscape.

What do you like about working at Gelato — what are you enjoying the most?

Daniel: I like the people in Gelato. It’s a cool team that is trying always to push forward the limits of the technology

Patrick: One of the best things about Gelato is the team because there are so many people from all sorts of backgrounds coming together to work and build cool products.

And I think Gelato frens can see this in the awesome products that are getting shipped.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Daniel: I practice hapkido and I got a bronze medal in the Spanish and Catalonia tournament on 2019.

Patrick: I do a lot of sports in my free time, whether it’s running in the morning or going for a sparring session in the evening.

Also, I love traveling, so whenever there is a crypto event I’m trying to connect it to experience some of the cultures of the respective country.

What’s your go-to ice cream flavor?

Daniel: Vanilla and chocolate.

Patrick: Nothing better than some lemon ice cream on a hot summer day.

You can find Daniel Cabrera and Patrick Schabhüttl on Twitter — go give them a follow!

About Gelato Network

​​Gelato Network is web3’s automation network, enabling developers to automate & relay arbitrary smart contract executions on and across all EVM-based compatible blockchains such as Ethereum.

Gelato’s goal is to provide developers with a reliable, scalable & decentralized network to which they can outsource all of their web3 related DevOps operations.

Examples of which features are powered by Gelato include:

  • Limit Orders on PancakeSwap
  • Periodically updating debt ceilings on MakerDAO
  • Offering users gasless token claims on Connext
  • Automatically compounding yield farming vaults on Beefy Finance
  • Automating the breeding of new digital racehorse NFTs on ZED RUN
  • Rebasing of algorithmic stablecoins with Tomb Finance
  • Updating price oracles on Abracadabra

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