Meet the Winners: Gelato + ETHGlobal Web3 Jam Hackathon 2021

Gelato Network
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2022

Gelato Ecosystem Spotlight 🍦✨

Last year, we sponsored ETHGlobal’s Web3 Jam Hackathon. It was a two-week hackathon, and the challenge was to build the future of web3 — using Gelato’s decentralized network of bots. Five teams finally stood out from the crowd and won the special Ice Cream prizes. How did Gelato’s world-class automation network help the teams to unleash their superpowers, and why did they choose to build with Gelato in the first place? We simply had to find out more. So we spoke to some of the builders — Chimera from Compound and Chill, Tomo from Plottery, and Fabiano from Decentralized Roulette.

💰 Compound and Chill

Compound and Chill is a yield aggregator that uses protocol-owned liquidity to drive emissions token liquidity and price to attract and retain capital. It uses Gelato as the “keeper.”

“The setup was super easy and cheap, with predictable execution allowing us to re-iterate and debug. The UI-based keeper creation (Gelato Ops) is definitely a lot easier and more enjoyable to work with compared to a less polished use of server-side keeper scripts or Kp3r,” said Chimera, the creator of Compound and Chill.

“10/10 would recommend for any protocol looking to dynamically or periodically execute a smart contract on-chain for yield aggregators, liquidators, etc.”

🏛 Plottery

During the Delta (variant) lockdowns, Tomo turned to hackathons and built Plottery —a decentralized lottery system for DAOs to raise funds from the community.

Plottery uses Gelato to take snapshots of block-hash and choose the lottery winner. To use the dapp, you buy a ticket or reacquire a previous one, enter it into the next drawing, and wait for a magic number to be calculated and shared, which determines what you won.

“I was reminded of ideas I ran across before, which required an external caller like Gelato. I wanted to come up with something new for this hackathon. I settled on the problem of provably fair and unpredictable number generation and how Gelato could solve it (and so we don’t need Chainlink VRF!),” said Tomo.

“I want to continue being a developer, but I do want people to run the game. So I’m hoping to plug the contracts and code into some existing ecosystems or the DeFi/game ecosystem I’m working on called Plantation. I think it makes a nice plug-in feature providing fun and value for any token and could even be used to raise funds (that’s why many organizations run raffles after all).”

🎰 Decentralized Roulette

Unlike any other roulette game, Decentralized Roulette is a truly decentralized game, utilizing Gelato to automate the game sequencing steps and make VRF requests.

During the initial research, the team found out that most roulette games and casinos are either owned by centralized companies or have some sort of owner. So they wanted to change the game and build a decentralized version so everyone could create, fund, and own a roulette table.

The system idea of Decentralized Roulette was based around a basic Angular frontend. It was deployed on IPFS to be available for everyone and linked to the main casino contract. Each roulette spin would have a winning number drawn. There is also a Random Number Generation (RNG) contract that receives the Gelato calls and requests the Verified Random Number from Chainlink.

“For security reasons, we didn’t want our users (players or table owners) to be able to interfere with the RNG process, even to define when the roulette would spin. So we chose to use Gelato as their ‘orchestrator’ so when the Gelato task runs, it would start the RNG (calling Chainlink) and start some timers defining how long we would accept bets on this round. The system would make only 1 RNG request per round, doesn’t matter the number of existing tables it has,” Fabiano explained to us.

“After Gelato starts the Chainlink request, the RNG contract would keep waiting for the Chainlink response, containing the RNG. Then when the Chainlink response comes, the RNG contract register the data received and waits for the next task execution. We can’t run expensive transactions on the Chainlink response, so we were unable to use this transaction for the payout function (as this function would need to analyze all pending bets in all tables and distribute the ERC20 tokens to the winning players). So on the next Gelato task execution, after receiving the RNG from Chainlink, the contract would call the PayBets function and finalize the round.”

We thank Chimera, Tomo, and Fabiano for sparing the time to talk with us about their projects and future plans, and we hope that you, our community, enjoyed it as well.

Once again, congratulations to all the winning teams, and many thanks to all participants for their excellent work!

There is enormous potential in the automated web3 space, which is extremely exciting. Gelato gives developers the tools they need to build the next killer dapps. To manifest our mission, we will be hosting a series of hackathons and workshops in 2022. If you want to collab or partner up, please reach out to us at

*All images © their respective owners.

About Gelato Network

Gelato Network is Web3’s premier automation network, enabling developers to automate a wide variety of arbitrary smart contract executions on and across all EVM-based compatible blockchains such as Ethereum. Examples of use cases developers have built on top of Gelato include Limit Orders on AMMs like Uniswap, automatic compounding of yield farming vaults, Aave liquidation protection, MakerDAO debt ceiling updates, automated liquidity management, and even the petting of Aavegotchis.

Our ultimate goal is to automate everything and by giving developers the reliable tools they need to do this, we can empower their users to get the most out of their Web3 experience.

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