AMA with $BDT

Published in
8 min readFeb 11, 2021


Hello and welcome to our AMA with Block Duelers $BDT. This is how the AMA will be done, first we will start with questions the admins prepared and than we will have time for community questions. The best question will be rewarded with 50$!


Are you guys ready?






First question: How did the idea of Block Duelers come about/born?


So basically, i notice4d that there were alot of NFT projects with alot of great artwork and solid community support.

I saw a lot initial of hype, but then things would die down.

I thought to myself, WHY?

Diving deeper, i realized that there was very little to NO UTILITY for these NFTs that would normally jsut sit there stagnant in an eth wallet or stuck on a platform like rarible or opensea.

So that is when i came up with the idea of fighting NFT’s, kinda of like a 1 on 1 battle

like pokemon or magic

I thought, hmm, maybe we can attach evolving stats to these nfts as they are fought and battles are won, OR lost for that mattter.

And here we are!


that sounds really cool


That’s it amazing, I like how innovative it is, props +1


Its a simple idea, whith alot of weight behind it!


[ GIF ]


Sometimes simple is better than complicated :)


Yup, and you can always expand on SIMPLE


Second question: Could you tell something more about the roadmap? What will be the next step and why do you think it will be successful for the project? Will there be any new features released soon?


So right now, we are heavily focusing on the UI design and portover of the blockduelers domain. Right now we have a few sneak peeks, to show the progress.



Battle design


Profile design




Awesome, I like the cartoon style, really reminds me about my childhood!


Also one more!



Wow that artist does really have some talent!




That is the new landing page which will be a one stop shop for all things block duelers related


I love our designers. I gave them a simple idea and they took it to the stars!

they based it off of this


to this


[ GIF ]


yeaah this is really cool!


Awesome! Really love the style


[ GIF ]



Third question: Which other NFT projects are you looking to collaborate with?


Well if you follow our twitter, youll see a bunch of $ tags on the bottom of every tweet. Those are the projects that we have active communication open with. I cant get into much detail, but we are planning on uniting the NFT front.

Block Duelers NFT BATTLES

Our platform gives use to ALL NFT’s


ahh cool thanks :)


Ya I can say that, one of our advisors is from the loot team ;)

ⱣhiliⱣ Ꝟaℕ Ðer ŁiℕÐe

Would it be possible to elaborate a little bit on the developer team?


Sure, after a week or so of sifting through applicants on upwork, i found a gentleman by the name of Tyler. Him and his full stack team, including graphic designers and a smart contracting guru

We quickly started hashing out ideas and got into a very smooth groove almost immediately

They have been very professional and on point. They have made my job as CEO very easy. Tyler is also my project lead, which a fit more perfect than any pair of broken in levi jeans


Any specifics youd like to know?

ⱣhiliⱣ Ꝟaℕ Ðer ŁiℕÐe

Seems like a nice group of people. It seems that your project heavily involves around artwork. Are there any plans to entice more artists to join your project?



There are

For right now we are focussed on our lead artist, Jorden Oliwa

I first came across Jorden Oliwa through Chonker.Finance. They were using him to create a few NFT’s for their up and coming project. They teased us with an Artist who had done work on Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ren and Stimpy and was one of the main digital artists for the Hip-Hop group “Gorillaz”.


[ GIF ]

You can see the gorillaz artwork resemblance

For now we will be focusing on showcasing his work, but will move onto other artists of different styles and expertise! Each new series of NFT’s will have a different theme and we want to make sure our artists styles match with it!

We are currently conceptualizing our first 6 nft fighters!


Because the project is called “Block Duelers” we can assume that the project is about duel games. What kind of duel games are we talking about, could you explain?


So the basic idea for our MVP launch is a 1v1 aspect.

Have you played hearthstone?

How all the cards have different properties


Yess! Absolutely

amazing game!


So were not on that level, BUT we do employ some of the same stat values that help the game to be so popular.

And on top of it the NFT stats are always evolving, just like in an rpg. So everytime you win or even lose a battle you will gain experience to level your fighter up.

This will be done in a pre set rock paper scissor factor for now

to prove the game concepts and show the mechanics

going back to this screenshot


you can see the 2 moves numbered, near the bottom middle

those are your three attacks.


In hearthstone you can buy better cards, this is of course an advantage for the player. Is this also possible with Block Duelers?


So here is the catch. As people build these amazing fighters up in experience.

They will potentially increase in value do to the stats, and time it took to build said NFT fighter

This brings value to an already existing NFT that might be a rare card from a special project.

Now you can sell these NFTS on opensea or rarible, not only for their art, but for their battle properties.

so YES, you will be able to buy them, but our focus is MINTING

MINTING will be done by staking BDT on our staking platform

So technically there are two ways to get the nfts


ⱣhiliⱣ Ꝟaℕ Ðer ŁiℕÐe

It’s good to see that users are incentivized to hold their tokens


Yes, and staking is only one way that we are actively developing token utility

which is one issue we see in alot of NFT projects


Okay last question!

than we will have some time for community questions


How is the marketing strategy, how are gaining traffic towards Block Duelers.


This is probably the trickiest question to answer.

We sold out 70 ETH in private sale in 5 days, OVER XMAS BREAK

We were very excited for this and wanted to continue the hype by starting presle right away.

Right now we are trying to sort through all of the AMA requests we get. It seems like alot of them dont do much for community growth.

So we are trying to keep it to the word of mouth aspect by hiring a few smaller groups to help us spread the word, organically.

We also hired a marketing consultant w3ho helped us raise over 70 eth so far

He has by far been the single biggest help to raising ETH so far.

We are still diving into possible marketing ideas. The thing is, its sometimes hard to tell what really works and what doesnt, until you try


Nice! That’s awesome, hopefully GemFever was able to contribute a bit in further succes of $BDT


That’s true, month to month advertisements are the best. We will do our best ;)


You guys are amazing, we had an investor from your group come in yesterday and really become a part of what is going on. He even invested a few eth, just on the basis of your word


Thank you so much!


Amazing to hear this!


Okay, that were all the questions we had prepared. No its time for some community questions. Are you guys ready?


I will unmute the chat




That chat has been muted!



Ok im pretty quick

saw 3 i liked


@Built2Last408 @AnthonyBurks Pick out some questions ;)

Winter Kommt 🥶

- How many artists does the Block Duelers team have dedicated to the creation of NFTs? Is all the design work in just 1 person?


As i stated earlier, we have 1 leading industry artist by the name of Jorden Oliwa. He will be creating the first series of nfts for blockduelers, while we work out partnerships with existing projects, to utilize their NFTs and even their artists. If you have any talent that you would like to recommend, we would love to hear it!


You have explained your competitive advantage but every project must face challenges at a point in time. what are the challenges facing Block Duelers and how do you plan to solve them?


User onboarding and retention is going to be our biggest push. In order to make the game successful, we need people to play it. This is where the wager side of the paltfrom will come in, by letting people bet on the outcome of duels on the platform. We hope that this will entice players to come and try it out, among a few other concepts that I cant mention quite yet ;)

Vinh Đi Máy Bay

🚀 Does this dueling or fighting platform you are creating require any special technology to be able to play? Any specific hardware? Or is a laptop sufficient?


I really like this one. The cool thing is, we dont rely on any special technology, except for blockchain :) Everything is pretty straight forward and simple to setup server side. We do have a special smart contract that will be used to store the metadata from all the NFTS and their evolving stats. The MVP launch will first support desktops and laptops. Mobile will come shortly after!

I YieldFarmer I

How many slots are available on the $BDT token presale this time then is there a minimum transaction to participate in the $BDT presale and how do I make a payment during the pre-sale and where can I buy $BDT tokens?


last one!

We currently have about 23k tokens for sale. presale ends on the 3rd, so 24 hours! No minimum to participate!

Please send your Ethereum here: 0x31aEa794cAD4130A113430DDeF128Ddc6F81eACb

[GIF ]


Every thank you for participating our AMA, its was AMAZING, thank you for being part of the GemFever community. We are going to announce the best question winner in the Block Duelers Telegram group JOIN NOW TO SEE IF YOU HAVE WON :)


Thank you guys!

*for all the photos and gifs make sure to check the group chat!

