AMA with $KOTH

Published in
13 min readFeb 11, 2021


Hello and welcome to our AMA with King of the Hill $KOTH. This is how the AMA will be done, first we will start with questions the admins prepared and than we will have time for community questions. The best questions will be rewarded with a total 100$ worth of $KOTH. How awesome!


Here we go.. lets start


Are you ready for the first question? @wizarddaoking

Wizard Dao King

I am


Alright, lets go!


first question: How did the idea of King of the hill come about/born?

Wizard Dao King

We were inspired by Bomb token that was released in 2017, its a accelerated deflationary token. We wanted to gamify it and allow a human interaction with our “Slaughter” Button. We also wanted to add the exciting features such as Staking and NFT shield and treasure chest staking which ill get into later.


Awesome, its nice that an inspiration can create a project like this! Nice to know


that sounds really cool!


Could you tell us a bit about your team?

Wizard Dao King

Yes, so we are a 3 man development team with several community managers. The three of us are all freelance blockchain developers with knowledge on ethereum blockchain, web3, and matic blockchain. Between the 3 of us we have over 20 years experience in this space. Obviously because of some regulations in areas of the world, we are choosing to stay pseudo anonymous for security reasons.


Wow! Over 20 years of experience, guys thats amazing! We fully understand to stay anon


Question: There are lots of deflationary tokens is in market so how KOTH is different from that clones

Wizard Dao King

Great question. This will allow me to explain 3 key points.

Firstly, we upped the main transaction burns to 3% (which on bomb is 1%), and added the worlds first “Slaughter” button that allows any holder to interact with the smart contract ONCE a month at random. When the slaughter button is pressed it allows the Champions (top 50%) of wallets to attack the peasants (the bottom 50%), this in return burns 3% of the supply from the bottom 50% of wallets and transferring 3% to the top 50% of wallets. Now this is not to allow whales to destroy the project which ill talk about the gamification in a second.


Wow, never seen this before!


Thats unique concept. Nice!

Wizard Dao King

Secondly, we added KOTH staking powered by ferrum network and Shield/Treasure Chest staking. When a holder is staking , it Shields you from the slaughter button. So a smaller holder can still earn KOTH tokens in the VIP staking. While in the Shield staking (hence shielding from slaugther), you begin to earn loyalty NFT shields. These Shields can be used to display your loyalty to the Kingdom of KOTH OR can be traded in for limited edition Treasure Chest.

Each Treasure chest is filled with arbitrary amounts of KOTH token and NFTS from well known artists.

The main function of the treasure chests is to allow other projects to spotlight their tokens by filling the chest with, so in a way we are a incubator as well for new projects entering the space.

Lastly, we partnered with the powerhouse Ferrum Network, this was to gain exposure, but also to allow VIP KOTH staking for presale 1 participants only. This is a short term staking program (2 months) at 80% apy. So another chance for a small holder to grow their bag before competing in the warzone during a slaugther.

Wizard Dao King



Nice to see some partnership, me as trader that’s sound very bullish!


What do you think will be needed for KOTH to become a massive success?

Wizard Dao King

So like the majority of tokens built on eth, to grow in this space, requires marketing, launching on other exchanges and exposure. This is where our unique treasure chest staking comes into play. By collaborating with existing projects and new projects, we gain exposure to their communities , which in return can create new users entering the token. We also plan to apply for a top 10 exchange within a week of launching on uniswap. We have already made direct connections thanks to our amazing partner ferrum network and with the help of getting sponsored on dextools


[ GIF ]


Sounds amazing!




So dextools will sponsor KOTH presale. Right?

Wizard Dao King

Yes Presale 2 is sponsored by Dextools, a great achievement for our project.


This will give the project a good exposure coz maximum peoples are following dextools


next question: Can you tell a bit about the upcoming roadmap?

Wizard Dao King

This is copy pasted directly off our website, but ill talk about each place that we are at


Btw, this ui roadmap is so creative! Nice to see this

Wizard Dao King

We have 100% completed development of KOTH and had our main smart contract fully audited by a 3rd party The full report can be found on their website and we passed with flying colors

The CODEX of KOTH is our gamified version of a Lite paper, it briefly describes the functionality of the token

We are now at stage 3 and once our presale finishes, we will IMMEDIATELY lock liquidity on uniswap

Following presale 2, we will be launching VIP KOTH Staking powered by ferrum network which will run for 2 months and allow the audit on our NFT staking smart contract to complete (we have already had it looked at by many other indepedent developers and they all say its good to go), but we want to have it professionaly audited as well.

This will be followed by the launch of NFT staking, literally the first of its kind, where holders simply stake KOTH token only ( NO LP tokens here!, we understand impermeant loss)


This sounds amazing. Quality is more important than putting something out quick!

Wizard Dao King

Exchange listings, have actually been pushed closer on the roadmap because we have already made connections to get it going.


Sounds great ❤️

Wizard Dao King

Lastly, we will begin full-time marketing and promotion for treasure chest sponsors

Wizard Dao King

We do have some other exciting features we are building into it, but cant release just yet, this is expected q3 of 2021


U got us on your team, we will promote you guys, free of charge:)

Wizard Dao King

[ GIF ]


We will 👍


Next question: Will there be any new features released soon?

Wizard Dao King

The main features will be the NFT Shield and Treasure chest staking, more info on that can be found here :

as well as in our video ad here:


Awesome! Are you ready for the next question?


What’s your longterm vision on Koth?

Wizard Dao King

So, with blockchain forever evolving, thats a great question. We want to continue to build ideas into the token, such as incorporating a DAO which will give governance into the token to allow holders to help make decisions on changes and growth. With the indefinite delay of eth 2.0, theres always a chance of migrating blockchains at some point to ADA , DOT to be the major ones. We will follow the trends in the crypto community to make it a success long term. Keep in mind the token is literally designed to eventually become 1 WHOLE token which at that point would be King of the Hill, but there will always be holders due to the 18 decimals in the token. As early pioneers in this space and all around lovers of blockchain in general, we are committed to work on this for the long-term.


Sounds great to get the community involved!


I hear some big motivated people! Nice team, keep going the good work!


Nest question: How do you think you will be able to attract more artists to your project?

Wizard Dao King

NFT artists , new and popular have already inquired about being involved with the treasure chest. Why? Because this is another way to promote their own brand and image. We have already recruited a well known PHYSICAL nft builder to include some of his work in our chest. That means that some of the chests will be filled with keys to physical items that can be shipped to them if they wanted. On the other hand, Myself ( the main marketer for the project ) is actively looking for artist that would like to be included in our community project.


Sounds amazing! I get why people are willing to invest in the project!


Next question: What is your biggest bottleneck at this moment?

Wizard Dao King

So as MANY of you know, the rugpulls and scams of crypto were at ALL TIME highs in 2020. This has made small projects like ours to be a nightmare to launch, because everyone is watching their backs and RIGHTFULLY so. We completely understand and why we have taken necessary measure to instill trust within our community by: Partnering with a well known project Ferrum Network who we have had MANY video conferences with, by having our smart contract fully audited, by locking our liquidity on uniswap, and finally by locking our Team tokens with Trustswap. We are not here to dump on our community for small time gains, we are here for the love of the ability to showcase that literally ANY idea can be built on blockchain.


I really like the mindset, indeed the rugpulls and scams are the worst! We are glad that there are still legit project, such is yours!


Are you ready for the last question?

Wizard Dao King

yes sir!


Why should investors join the presale and Is there anything you’d like to present to our community?

Wizard Dao King

Couple of ideas here related to this question. Firstly, if you love blockchain (like we do) participating in projects like ours can be fun, but can also be greatly rewarding $$$. Its always a long shot in this space, by buying into new projects, all you can hope for is that team behind it is actually working on it and has a developed product. Which we do, everything IS developed, unlike many projects that promise the world with complete vaporware. By joining presale 1, you are whitelisted into KOTH VIP staking powered by ferrum network (this would be the main reason to).

All presale info can be found here:

🗡👑Announcing King of the Hill Presale 1 & 2👑🗡

🔘Presale 1

⚜️DATE: 1/23/2021 9pm UTC until 1/27/2021 11pm UTC (or until filled)

⚜️Where: Link will be posted on official website,

⚜️Info: 1 eth = 1500 KOTH

⚜️Details: Guarantees whitelisted VIP KOTH staking Powered by Ferrum Network and NFT Shield/Treasure Chest Staking. Any unsold tokens will be merged into presale 2

🔘Presale 2

⚜️DATE: 1/27/2021

⚜️Where: Link will be posted on official website,

⚜️Info: 1 eth = 1400 KOTH

⚜️Details: Sponsored by Dextools and guarantees entrance into early NFT Shield/Treasure Chest Staking.


Awesome! Great answer, I will get myself a bag reading all this:)

Wizard Dao King

[ GIF ]


Thank you for answering all the questions the admins asked, are you now ready for the community questions?

Wizard Dao King

Ready as ever


I will unmute the chat for 5 minutes, after the 5 minutes I will mute the chat, than you have all the time to answer them! Afterwards we will pick out the best questions❤️ Are you guys ready?


The chat has been muted! Thank you guys for all the questions! @wizarddaoking Are you ready to answer some of the questions?


Tell us when you are ready!

Wizard Dao King

I am, please give me roughly 5 minutes to read through, thank you.


We will thank you!


No problem!


Does the price of the token matter to you from an operational perspective, if the token price is $1 or $100?

Wizard Dao King

Great question: The answer is quite simply, no. We have independently funded our project and have already built everything. There is no high operational costs other than paying to keep the website online (which we have paid up front to have it online for the next 10 years), its not going anywhere. As all 3 of us are blockchain developers, we dont have to pay anyone to work on or develop the product, WE build on it. Although we DO care about the price of the token, this will not stop us from working on it full-time.

Ugur Alkoç

You divide wallets into two categories. I wonder if wallets with equal figure occurs in the middle of all ranking, how will you solve this? Will you create a free zone between top and below or the one who reaches that figure first is on Champions League? I don’t know somehow I felt like it is another version of rebase model.

Wizard Dao King

Absolutely not another version of the rebase model. Supply cannot fluctuate, it can only go down. In between the top 49.99 percent and the bottom 49.99% is WARZONE. This will be fundamentally the playing ground between champions and peasants. Theres tons of ways to work the gamification of the token ( and im not going to give it all away), but we have a LEADERBOARD section on the site, so you will know where you stand. Say you are 1 place away from entering champion zone, but you have a peasant right behind you with a similar bag. You could add to your bag to move up to champion and then SLAUGHTER to move your opponent down the ladder. Believe me there is 100’s of ways to play the game, its up to you to figure them out.


🎧Q.Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?

Wizard Dao King

100% great question and was a concern for us. This is why we had our contract looked at by many independent blockchain developers, but primarily had it audited by The full audit report can be found here:


Most of the farm coins suffer from high APY and are constantly printing new tokens. For example,,,I farm $KOTH Receive more $KOTH and throw away my extra tokens. Most of the farm coins have failed and will fail on Token Metrics only. How do you offset the selling pressure? @wizarddaoking

Wizard Dao King

Firstly, we CANNOT mint more tokens. The mint key was burned. With VIP staking there is 80% apy over 2 months and although you are acquiring tokens from our staking reserve, you are incentized to hold. Remember there is a 3% burn on ALL transactions, this including’s buying and selling on uniswap, starting a stake, ending a stake and transferring. It is not in anyones favor to dump their entire bags at one time.

Deleted Account

Can you tell me how many slots there are in the $ KOTH token pre-sale this time? Are there any prerequisites for participating in the #KingOfTheHill pre-sale and explain how can I make the payment during the pre-sale and where I can buy $ KOTH tokens?


Wizard Dao King

We have allocated 350k tokens for presale 1. There are no parameters to follow and anyone in the world can participate. Its decentralized and not a security, but a utility, so does not pertain to some countries laws regarding purchases. The presale will be in ETH, at 1 eth = 1500 KOTH. We will make a formal announcement with link to presale in a few hours.

Wizard Dao King

I believe thats 5 HOST :D Any other questions, feel free to to ask in the koth telegram chat.

Wizard Dao King

For those of you interested in participated, its first come, first serve and official link will be posted in our chat. Info is here

Wizard Dao King

[ Photo ]

🗡👑Announcing King of the Hill Presale 1 & 2👑🗡

🔘Presale 1

⚜️DATE: 1/23/2021 9pm UTC until 1/27/2021 11pm UTC (or until filled)

⚜️Where: Link will be posted on official website,

⚜️Info: 1 eth = 1500 KOTH

⚜️Details: Guarantees whitelisted VIP KOTH staking Powered by Ferrum Network and NFT Shield/Treasure Chest Staking. Any unsold tokens will be merged into presale 2

🔘Presale 2

⚜️DATE: 1/27/2021

⚜️Where: Link will be posted on official website,

⚜️Info: 1 eth = 1400 KOTH

⚜️Details: Sponsored by Dextools and guarantees entrance into early NFT Shield/Treasure Chest Staking.

Wizard Dao King, [23.01.21 19:18]

[Forwarded from KOTH NEWS]

🩸⚔️🩸Welcome to the King of The Hill Token🩸⚔️🩸

💥KOTH Staking Powered by Ferrum Network for Presale Holders Only 💥

👉 Website: 🔊

👉 Contract address: 🔊

👉 Medium: 🔊

👉 Twitter: 🔊

👉 Telegram: 🔊

👉 KOTH news: 🔊

💰 Presale 1: 1/23/2021, Presale 2: Immediately follows

📌What is KOTH?

A Deflationary Token with the world’s first SLAUGHTER button that allows any holder to take control of their destiny. KOTH holders will also be able to stake KOTH tokens to unlock loyalty shields and treasure chests filled with extraordinary valuables!

📌How does this work?

👉 3% burns on every transaction and when the God’s have called the slaughter, 3% will be shifted from the bottom 50% of peasants to the top 50% of champions with an additional 3% burned eternally.



500,000-Initial Liquidity Offering

200,000-Team (Locked w/ Trustswap 6 months)

100,000-Staking (Ferrum & Shield/Treasure Staking)

100,000-Uniswap Liquidity (Locked w/ Unicrypt)

50,000-Development (Locked w/ Trustswap 6 months)

50,000-Exchange Listings

Wizard Dao King


Thanks for answering all those amazing questions


And thank you all for asking the questions!

Wizard Dao King

Awesome questions, wish I had time to answer them all, but we have a ton of work to get done!


Awesome! This project is legit, after this I will get myself a small bag! Congratz to the one that won! If you have more question you can ask them in KOTH telegram group ! Thank you guys for this awesome AMA and thank you @wizarddaoking !

Wizard Dao King

[ GIF ]


I will unmute the chat rn!


Chat has been unmuted!

Wizard Dao King

Thank you all for being here, it was a pleasure. We greatly appreciate everyones time and energy for participating today.

