AMA with $NEXT

Published in
14 min readFeb 24, 2021


Hello and welcome to our AMA with NEXT.chain! This is how the AMA will be done, first we will start with questions the admins prepared and than we will have time for community questions. The best questions will be rewarded with a total of 100$ in NEXT tokens. How awesome!


Are you guys ready?

JD Rebel

Hello, happy to be here to explain our Next.chain!


Let’s go


Let’s start now!


Yes, I got access now! Good evening everybody.

Tonight 3 of our team members are joining the AMA.

So let’s start with the answers.


1️⃣st question: How did you guys get into crypto?


I got involved in crypto a long time ago, and I remember that time when it was possible to mine Bitcoin with your PC. It takes years from that point when bitcoin got adapted by the early ones.

But in the recent years blockchain and crypto gain a lot of marketcap and possibilities.


ahh so in you’re early days you were a crypto miner thats cool!


Awesome! A lot of experience! That’s always a good thing!


My journey in crypto started in Nov 2017 and happy to be part of 2 bull runs.I’m a fan of instant transaction and low fees.I’m a firm believer of Next chains vision and potential. This team survived a long bear market and now ready to unlock the true potential.


yes what i read seemed very interesting to me, looks cool!


Very innovative indeed!


2️⃣nd question: Does the team have experience making crypto assets? Can we know the team from previous projects?


We are, since 2017, active in building projects in the crypto space. We started with developing a hybrid crypto exchange and -wallets and learned a lot from that. During that bullrun in 2018, we saw already from the CryptoKitties hype that the blockchain was congesting. So we started to build our blockchain in 2018. In 2019 we deployed NEXT.chain into mainnet, and nowadays, we are ready to show the world insane high transaction speeds at the lowest costs. I would call it the perfect blockchain for DeFi projects.

So in short, yes we have a lot of experience making blockchains and putting assets on it.

JD Rebel

Currently we have a steady network of 200 masternodes to support our chain!


That is really awesome! We can all agree that the transaction fees nowadays are way to high…. So NEXT is the solution?


For sure, we are not an Ethereum clone. But build our blockchain on Bitcoin-core and added tokenization (like Ethereum) and Masternode validators (like Dash).


That’s really cool that you guys are already working that long on the project!


Why would any projects choose NEXT.chain? With our quick asset creation the answer is simplicity, together with our network of masternode validators, near instant transactions executed at low cost, the answer is obvious. This means that our blockchain users can quickly create and trade decentralized assets without paying high gas prices or waiting around.

JD Rebel

If you guys like I have a comparison chart of our chain! Can I show it?


yeah let’s show it!


yes ofcourse!

JD Rebel

JD Rebel

Pay close attention to the transaction fee 😅




A picture is saying more than a thousand words.


Absolutely true, I know everything about that as a photographer!


We have a fixed price per transaction. No dynamic gas fees. Even if we reach price like Ethereum , it will not be higher than 10 cents


How is that possible?


Could you explain?


Define every transaction as a fixed fee in the code (hardcoded)

So no dynamic fees or priority queues

And we use layer 2 technology as well.

Let me explain it a bit how our blockchain is working.


Awesome! This is very beneficial for small trades


3️⃣rd question: Is the team public? According to your website NEXT is based in Eindhoven The Netherlands. Is this a place we can visit?


The team is public and transparent but consists mainly of engineers — developers who can build and maintain a blockchain with all its components. We are currently a small team of +/- 8 people (based in the Netherlands, Eindhoven). Within a few weeks we are moving over to an incubator lab in the area of the Technical University of Eindhoven where everybody can visit and meet us. We see within the Universities in the Netherlands many stunning projects that we want to tokenize on our chain.


Awesome! We can once visit you guys! But overall this is very promising and interesting for investors, nice add

JD Rebel

We will inform the Barista to make a nice coffee!


That would be nice, w/o sugar for me



thank you! haha


4️⃣th question: What’s your longterm vision on NEXT.chain do you think it will fit into slot three on the liquidity charts or even surpass Ethereum and Bitcoin?


Let me list our features and complete ecosystem in next 6 months(Many are available now and some to come soon)

New Assets can be created using our app by few clicks

Enable Crowdfunding (IEO)

Enable staking in chain

Lightning Instant transactions and handle 10,000 TPS

Avoid paying huge transaction or swap fees (We have a fixed price per transaction. No dynamic gas fees. Even if we reach price like Ethereum , it will not be higher than 10 cents)

ETH Bridge to onboard existing erc20 projects to Next chain

Staking rewards

Liquidity Farming

Master Node rewards & Governance


UNISWAP like exchange in NEXT chain (BTC/ETH/LTC/XRP/USD/EUR will be all wrapped in Next chain)

Get Electronic Money Institute License to process fiat using our partner Payaccept

New update to desktop wallet (new UI + Assets + Masternode + Swap tabs)

Mobile App

Integrate smart-contracts on NEXT.chain

Atomic Swap

Deploy Development portal

and much more !!!!!!

JD Rebel

As I am an visual guy I will share how easy it will be to create a asset on our chain

JD Rebel

[Forwarded from NEXT.chain News and Announcements]

[ Video ]

Meet the power of NEXT.chain. Fast and easy asset creation. Any company share or asset can now be tokenized and instantly tradable with lightning speeds at zero-costs. More insight information on our blog at


Wow, this will be the NEXT big project❤️


At the moment, Bitcoin and Ethereum are dinosaurs in the crypto space. But as seen already, DeFi has made a big move in 2020. We believe there is room to introduce a better blockchain. But it all depends on the power of the community to adopt new and faster blockchains. If that will happen, I’m sure we can get into the mainstream and earn a top 10 position.


awesome guys lets make this big!


Awesome, so how does this works for developers? Is there a testnet?


Yes, ofcourse. We already have API access for third parties which want to integrate with NEXT.chain.


That’s cool!


Awesome! Do you have some images of the UI? Is is as complicated as the eth one?


See above 😉 @jd_rebel share it already.

JD Rebel

Its pretty amazing so I dont mind to share it again


Within the next week, we are going to showcase a uniswap on NEXT.chain. So no more failures and instant confirms on transactions.


looking forward to this😍


Just mind blowing!


Let me put it in layman term. Any projects can create assets in our chain with staking and do crowdfunding.They can use our desktop wallet to store the assets and use the swap function in the wallet to swap from asset to Next.Use our UNISWAP like exchange in NEXT chain (BTC/ETH/LTC/XRP/USD/EUR will be all wrapped in Next chain) to swap all with low fees.


Correct, and NEXT.chain will be directly connected with IBAN/SEPA accounts. So no more middleman in between for fiat-crypto converts.


No more BTCDirect haha


so annoying haha


5️⃣th question: Will there be any new features released soon?


We already release our blockchain and it’s stable since April 2019 without a single failed transaction. The futures which we are adding at the moment are partnerships and more decentralized applications. Like a ERC20 bridge, to create the possibilities for projects to switch over to a better blockchain.

Also, a mobile application is on the roadmap, so directly from your mobile phone access to all your assets. And that can also be company shares or precious metals.


Awesome! Does “bridging” cost any money?

JD Rebel

the bridge is already being tested as we speak


You guys are working very hard!


Already for 3 years and believe me we sweat and cry a lot during developments.


we are here for you if you ever need anything!


I appreciate it 👍


This project is really blowing my mind, guys they also wrote an article on

Read this closely after the AMA


We are just getting started 😉 CoinTelegraph and Bloomberg are next.

JD Rebel

And for people interested check out:


6️⃣th question: Could you explain the tokenomics of NEXT.chain?


Total Supply : 30.3 Million

Available Supply : 18.2 Million

Locked in Masternode : 4.9 Million

Team Fund : 1 Million

Circulating Supply after ILO and Uniswap Listing : 12.3 million

Remaining coin to stake and Mine (end of 2032) : 12.1 Million

JD Rebel


Is there any minting in the code?


We are running with NEXT on two blockchains and soon even more (plans are to move to binance smart chain). We do this to create brand awareness as well as to use their ecosystems. Uniswap is still very popular, so that will be the next step with our token launch, which is 1:1 backed with NEXT native currency on NEXT.chain. In that way, we are like Tether, presented on multiple-chains. Minting is standard in every ERC20 smart contract, like burning functions. But the total supply on all blockchains will never exceed 30,3M NEXT.


Adding to this

Next chain is our native chain for NEXT coin and we use the ETH bridge(in house tool) to swap our coins to erc20 token.It will be in 1:1 swap ratio and u can’t double spent.(e,g) if anyone has 10k next coin, will use the bridge to lock this coins in the pool and get 10k equivalent token to stake,store (erc20 supported wallets) or trade in uniswap.Anyone want to run the full Masternode has to be on the native chain coin.


So there is an entire system behind all of this! Incredible!


That’s insane!


7️⃣th question: Are there any exciting partnerships you can tell us about?


We just started marketing a week ago and got so many positive responses. For example, PayAccept (a decentralized wallet that will process lightning transactions via Bitcoin Lightning and Raiden) has announced to support NEXT.chain, and we have linked Angellist (well known) to place startups on the chain. I expect more partnerships during our marketing period because blockchain is a perfect platform for a considerable diversity of projects.


yeah i think so too!


Very good news! You started just a week ago with marketing? You guys are doing a great job! Nice have you here❤️


Likewise, the time has come to spread our wings 😎


That’s right!


8️⃣th question: What do you think will be needed for NEXT.chain to become a massive success?


To execute our roadmap on our website, continue the marketing (people need to know about the great blockchain we have) and continue building the chain with excellent partners. I’m sure if the above is done, it will lead to success. Nothing can stop it. We had already survived a bear market in 2018, and it makes our team very strong and dedicated.


Adoption and Marketing is the key.Many projects with good tech also failed due to low or no marketing.Rome was not buuilt in one day.We have spent more time to create a perfect blockchain for everyone.So with upcoming releases and support from community we are going to give a tough fight for top coins.


I was hoping for an answer like this! It seems, and I know it for sure now that the team of NEXT is very dedicated and motivated 🔥🔥


9️⃣th question: What do you think is your biggest bottleneck at this moment and how are looking to solve this? Personally i just think the amount of people is the biggest bottleneck but can you think of anything else?


True, our most immense lack is that we need to expand quickly to secure our market position. We have a very committed team, and the time has come to grow our small company into 20 people this year.

The technology is already there, so we are ready to market 🚀


that’s great i’m sure some more people want to be a part of the community!


Are you guys ready?

Thank you for answering to all the question @Dutchcrypto51 and I prepared! We are now at the last question!😥

🔟th question: Is there anything you’d like to present to our community before we move on to the community questions?


I wanted to share once again the benefits for projects and investors

❇️ Benefits For Projects:

▪️Asset creation with few clicks

▪️Enable Crowdfunding (IEO)

▪️Lightning Instant transactions

▪️Low fees

▪️ETH Bridge to onboard existing erc20 projects to Next chain

▪️10000 TPS

▪️Enable staking in chain

❇️ Benefits For Investors:

▪️Staking rewards

▪️Liquidity Farming

▪️Master Node rewards


▪️Masternode Governance

❇️ Addtional Features Coming Soon:

▪️UNISWAP like exchange in NEXT chain

▪️New update to desktop wallet (new UI + Assets + Masternode + Swap tabs)

▪️Upgraded blockexplorer

▪️Mobile App

▪️Integrate smart-contracts on NEXT.chain

▪️Atomic Swap

▪️Deploy Development portal

JD Rebel

And follow our channel for all updates regarding next.chain!


I think the best is to go to our website or join us on if you are interested and want to read more about our project. Regularly, we are showing our developments and further steps. So don’t miss this opportunity and get into the NEXT blockchain.


Support us and participate in the sale.


me and @IndoCrypto5 already joined make sure you wont miss out on this one guys!


Thanks @Dutchcrypto51 and @IndoCrypto5 to have us onboard in your group.




Awesome! Everyone don’t forget to check this amazing project out! The Dutch can make the best Dyke, so as Crypto! Remember that! ❗️❕ Again, the team of GemFever wants to say thank you for this wonderful AMA! Nice having you! We are now ready for the community questions.

I will unmute the chat for 3 minutes! Remember, the best question will be rewarded with 100$!🎁🎉


Let’s pick some questions to answer, unfortunately we don’t have the time to answer them all. But we love to give an answer as well in our telegram group! So let’s start.

Patsy Bednar

What motivated you to create NEXT.chain project?

JD Rebel

We have our own exchange and with the rising price of eth and btc the transaction fees where getting out of hand. We saw this as an opportunity to do something about it and we already had our own chain that was fast and cost almost nothing. So knowing we had such a powerful chain we should be used for the whole crypto community

Rhoda Senger

How secured is your smart contracts code, did you ever audit it via any third party? What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in NEXT.chain development?

JD Rebel

We just had an audit and we will show this when out liquidity providing event will start. We try to be open and honest about everything we do!

Bailee Wintheiser

To meet the requirements of assest security scalability privacy and other characteristics how will NEXT.chain do? Can we expect to see a combination of Layer 1 and Lay 2 technologies on NEXT.chain ?


We choose the combination of becoming a PoW and PoS blockchain with masternode validators. PoW gives the security of calculating complex codes by miners and writing the block on the chain. Simultaneously, PoS+masternodes provide the speed and global approach to have the blockchain everywhere available with the smallest latency. They act as a layer 2 technology.

Charlene Little

what is NEXT.chain ? Where does “ NEXT.chain “ name comes from ? What it’s stand for?

JD Rebel

It is our own chain, like btc and eth also use their own chain

Raphaelle Heidenreich

What is the utility of $NEXT tokens? What does determine the value/price for it, is there anything within your ecosystem that increases the demand for the $NEXT tokens? How will your Tokenomics Distribution be? Could you share with us how many tokens will be minted and how many tokens will be locked by the team?


The value of Next chain rise based on adoption of projects to our chain. If you see all the features we presented, you can see how our eco system can solve the high fee gas fees and failed transactions are creating problems for projects and investors. We are running with NEXT on two blockchains and soon even more (plans are to move to binance smart chain). We do this to create brand awareness as well as to use their ecosystems. Uniswap is still very popular, so that will be the next step with our token launch, which is 1:1 backed with NEXT native currency on NEXT.chain. In that way, we are like Tether, presented on multiple-chains. Minting is standard in every ERC20 smart contract, like burning functions. We need the mint function to generate new tokens whenevever people wanted to move from Next coin to token. When they move back from token to coin those swapped tokens will be burned.But the total supply on all blockchains will never exceed 30,3M NEXT.

Next chain is our native chain for NEXT coin and we use the ETH bridge(in house tool) to swap our coins to erc20 token.It will be in 1:1 swap ratio and u can’t double spent.(e,g) if anyone has 10k next coin, will use the bridge to lock this coins in the pool and get 10k equivalent token to stake,store (erc20 supported wallets) or trade in uniswap.Anyone want to run the full Masternode has to be on the native chain coin.

Raphaelle Heidenreich

why should every user do KYC? Can users still use the NEXT.chain platform without doing KYC? No. KYC is not mandatory for using NEXT.chain . Users can use our blockchain without KYC. KYCs might be required by the applications bonded with regulations.


KYC is not needed while interacting with NEXT.chain. Because of regulations and mostly for the fiat gateway we need to apply KYC to ‘protect’ the traditional finance market.

Marisol Wilkinson

NEXT.chain is complex to understand, Is there any u user’s guide on your website to help understand the project better?


Here it is

Katlyn Boyle

An important question about NEXT tokens, do you have any plans to sell tokens? What is the current progress? What is the price of each round?


We have, there will be a public sale of team tokens, since we need to expand our company. More information will be released soon.

Hosea Walsh

What role do you think NEXT.chain will play in making blockchain highly adaptable for the worldwide stage?


I think the easy access and use by making simple dApps, instead of complex application with many buttons. The masses need to understand the working. Most companies are still unknown about how to deploy a smart contract. We are fixing this issue with a simple form and a mouse button click. In this case, everybody can create digital assets on next.chain, start a crowdfunding campaign, or trade the token in a super-fast uniswap-look-alike interface.


Let’s pick up a winner, so many questions to answer 👍 I would like to thank everybody for participating in this AMA.


Thank you @dcnl1980 @Raiders_Reloaded @JD_Rebel


Thanks for having us here guys 👍


Thanks for your time and answering all the questions guys!❤️

