*Credits to Photo by Olu Eletu on Unsplash*

Why LinkedIn is Important and How You Can Finesse It for a Job

Times have changed, and so has job hunting. With professional platforms like LinkedIn, it’s never been easier to find and finesse your way to your dream career.

Thomas Harris
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2017


Yes, you read that title correctly. No, finessing doesn’t mean to BS your way through something half-heartedly. It actually means ~

Finesse ~ 2. skillful handling of a situation :adroit maneuvering

And, this is straight from Merriam-Webster. But, questioning the definition of Finesse isn’t why you’re here (I hope not at least). You’re here because you want to know how you can finesse your way to your dream job with LinkedIn. But first, why would you want to finesse in the first place?

Well, to be honest, trying to find a job the traditional way is difficult. Extremely difficult.

The typical cycle involves filling out your resume which is different for every company, going to networking events spending an hour talking to Martha who said they have a cousin or a nephew that works in HR at Google, Amazon, or “one of those other big tech companies” to only come and find out they actually work at Aflac as an entry level associate (no offense), follow-up and nag people who barely remember your name to get an interview that you have no way of preparing for to talk to people who really don’t care about your career path or ambitions. And, all this to land a job that: 1) Doesn’t pay you want you deserve, 2) Doesn’t help you build your career, and 3) Doesn’t really value you or your time.

Now, this isn’t us bashing the old ways of job hunting, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way especially in this day and age. Unlike our grandparents, we can literally connect with anyone in the world, anywhere and at anytime. This beautiful thing that allows us unlimited access to people and information is called the internet and it comes with a lot of improvements to old school traditions including job hunting.

Today, we have platforms like LinkedIn that solely exist to connect professional people with other professional people to do professional things in a professional way…all with touch of professionalism. That’s a lot of profession right? And, that’s the point.

LinkedIn is a business-focused social networking site. Its main purpose is to help people network professionally. It gives you the chance to not only sit at the table, but freely converse with Founders, CEOs, HR Representatives, Lawyers, Judges, Engineers, and so on. The same people you’d have to go to hundreds of networking events or spend years working up the corporate ladder to talk with (sounds far-fetched? Then check this out, and she’s still a senior in college.)

With LinkedIn, You can find valuable mentors and role models, connect with the people who operate your favorite businesses, and so much more. It’s simply powerful. However, in order to take advantage of all these benefits, you need to know the basics and how to hack your way to LinkedIn Glorydom. Thankfully you have us to help you through that process!

*Credits to https://www.leisurejobs.com/ for image*

Examples to Follow

Now, before you go, I want to make sure you have some top notch examples of profiles you can follow. And, if you’re like me, seeing examples helps bring everything together. Also, the people below are all just like you: Ambitious college students and young professionals looking for jobs and internships where they can get the experience they want and the pay they deserve.

  1. Niah Curry ~ Senior at University of Arizona
  2. Tim Salau ~ Recent Graduate/Current Masters Candidate at University of Texas at Austin
  3. Tyrone Jacobs, Jr. ~ Senior at University of Toledo

Additional Resources

LinkedIn ~ Using LinkedIn to Find a Job or Internship

LinkedIn Insights ~ 18 Enormously Useful LinkedIn Hacks (2017)

Crazy Egg/Neil Patel ~ 14 LinkedIn Hacks That Will Triple the Size of Your Network in Two Weeks

Marie Claire ~ 13 ways you can use your LinkedIn profile to get your dream job

