My hotfix wasn’t deploying

Codebuild and installing private CodeCommit npm packages

Gemma Black
Gemma Black
3 min readNov 12, 2019


Background image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

There’s nothing more baffling than making a simple code change, pushing that change, and finding the continuous integration build, broken.

I opened up the build logs.

One of the last lines showed this:

Low and behold. The build couldn’t npm-install a private CodeCommit repository. But I had been installing private npm packages for a year now. So what was the difference?

Before, we were installing npm packages like so:

And the nice name is only possible by defining the host in your ssh config file:

However, the decision to use a nice name meant that when someone in our team used the plain old hostname as a dependency (git+ssh://, it could not find the relevant host.

The solution is simple. Have both hosts in the ssh config file:

Now, the question is, how do we install private npm packages in CodeBuild. Below is the end result, but I’ll share with you what each line is.

The SSH Client

First, you need SSH on the CodeBuild box.

Preparing an ssh session

You’ll need to start the agent.

You’ll notice that there isn’t an ssh directory.

The Private Key

If you’re familiar with CodeBuild’s environment variables, you may wonder if you can put your id_rsa keys in there.

There are two problems with this:

  1. Formatting is ignored
  2. AWS highly suggests not using environment variables for sensitive information but their parameter store.

But is the parameter store a good alternative? Formatting is also ignored. So the SSH key simply won’t load correctly.

So I put the ssh key in an S3 bucket.

The SSH Config

For emphasis, you define your ssh hosts.

Lockdown your ssh files

SSH will complain if the file permissions are too open. This CodeBuild is just like any Ubuntu box so there are no exceptions here.

Avoid the interactive prompt

What interactive prompt?

If you don’t add the following line, your CodeBuild will never complete.

And you’re done

Run npm install on whatever private CodeCommit repository you have. As long as you’ve set up the hosts file for it, you’re sorted.



Gemma Black
Gemma Black

Chocolate-, brownie-, coding-, peace-loving, city girl who loves both nature and tech.