Showcase your Gen™ skills with Digital Badges

Kim Peelman
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2022

Broadcom’s Digital Badge Program enables you to showcase your credentials and skills in Broadcom products, solutions, and programs. Promoting them is easy through social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Gen’s Digital Badges

Broadcom now has digital badges for Gen(™), addressing your Gen fundamentals, developer skills in the Gen Toolset, Host Encyclopedia(HE), and Client Server Encyclopedia(CSE), and admin skills in the Gen HE and CSE.

  • Are you a Gen user? Showcase your skills by earning these digital badges. Add them to your LinkedIn credentials.
  • Are you training new Gen talent? Test their skills with these assessments created by experts.
  • Are you hiring for your Gen product team? Confidently verify skills during the interview process using these Gen assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a digital badge?

A digital badge is a simple way for you to share your accomplishments. It is a way for your colleagues to see — and trust — the qualifications you’ve achieved. You can attach your badge to a website mail signature, or social network, and with one simple click, employers and other interested parties can easily view and verify your skills and experience required to earn it.

Digital Badge Components

How do I earn a Gen digital badge?

To earn a Gen digital badge, correctly answer at least 80% of the question on the assessment test available in your Learning@Broadcom account. You will receive an email notification from Credly ( with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account.

How do I find a Gen digital badge assessment on Learning@Broadcom?

  1. In your support portal, go to the “Learning@Broadcom” section.

2. Search for the assessment code number.

Who can earn a digital badge?

Broadcom’s digital badges are available at no cost for customers, Broadcom business partners, and employees. If you don’t have an active maintenance contract, check out Interskill Learning, an Authorized Broadcom Reseller. Interskill provides these digital badge assessments on their platform for a fee, without regard to contract status.

What is Credly?

Broadcom has partnered with Credly so you can quickly and easily manage, share, and verify your competencies online using their badging platform. The Credly centralized repository ensures you always have access to the badges you’ve earned.

Credly also has details about all Broadcom digital badges. Browse the Broadcom collection on Credly. Gen badges are listed under “Product Badges”.

How should I prepare for the assessment?

The badge description in Credly includes a list of “Supporting Resources” which you can use to study for the assessment. The Gen digital badge assessment questions are based on information in Gen TechDocs. There is also web-based training available in Learning@Broadcom. You can view a list of training courses in the Gen Course Catalog.

What should I expect when taking a Gen digital badge assessment?

Here are the different types of questions styles possible in a digital badge assessment:

  • Multiple Choice — You select one answer from a group of options.
  • Multiple Response — You select multiple answers from a group of options.
  • Matching — You see two lists of options and match which go together.
  • Number — You type a numerical answer.

Questions are provided one at a time, in random order. Answer choices are also randomized. The number of questions varies by test. The question bank is larger than the number of questions on a single test.

Multiple Response Question from Learning@Broadcom

There is no time limit for a test. If you close the testing window prematurely, you will be able to return and resume where you left off. You cannot go back to previous questions.

When you complete the assessment you are shown your score; you will not have to wait for the results. If you did not pass, you can try again. If you passed with at least 80% correct you will receive an email from Credly with your digital badge information.

How do I share a digital badge?

  1. Log into your Credly account.
  2. On your Dashboard, click on a badge.
  3. Click the “Share” button at the top right.
  4. Select one of the many sharing options.
Sharing options on Credly

How do I see if someone has earned a digital badge?

Viewing a person’s digital badge credentials will depend on how they have chosen to share their achievements. On LinkedIn, you may see them in the “Licenses & certifications” section of their profile. Many people also list them in their resume or email footer.


Digital badges are a great way to showcase your Gen skills, validate skills for those in training, or assess potential new hires. Here is a list of the six Gen digital badges currently available, including the course code you can use to take the assessment on Learning@Broadcom. You can view the latest list of training courses and digital badge assessments in the Gen Course Catalog.

Join the Gen EDGE Community to stay informed when new digital badges are available.

Gen Digital Badge Assessments



Kim Peelman
Editor for

Specializing in agile software development. Experience earned at Broadcom, GameStop, and Study Island. Supplemented with formal degrees: EMBA, M.Ed, and B.Ed