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Opportunities and Threats in the Oceanic Future of Sri Lanka
Opportunities and Threats in the Oceanic Future of Sri Lanka
As an Island nation, Sri Lanka has benefited from the vast Indian Ocean for millennials in the form of a marine trading hub.
Feb 4
Water Credit is Transforming MICRP Support?
Water Credit is Transforming MICRP Support?
Imagine a future where every drop of water is treasured, where small-scale farmers can get a better irrigation.
Arfiana Maulina
Feb 1
Lerak, Indonesia’s Hidden Treasure for Agriculture to Baby Clothes
Lerak, Indonesia’s Hidden Treasure for Agriculture to Baby Clothes
Why did something this incredible get left behind? Because big detergent brands pushed synthetic, mass-produced products into our lives.
Arfiana Maulina
Jan 22
The Blue Economy and Blue Carbon Markets Outlook
The Blue Economy and Blue Carbon Markets Outlook
As the world grapples with climate change and the urgent need for sustainable development, the concept of the “blue economy” has emerged.
Arfiana Maulina
Jan 5
Bioeconomy, A Sustainable Economic Transformation
Arfiana Maulina
Mainstreaming Bioeconomy in Indonesia
Arfiana Maulina
How High-Impact Corporations Address ESG While Ensuring Compliance
Arfiana Maulina
COP 29 and The Declaration on Water for Climate Action is A Controversial Tale of Progress and…
Arfiana Maulina
A Holistic Approach to Climate Action at COP 29
Arfiana Maulina
ANUGA and InaSAFE, Tools for Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction
Arfiana Maulina
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