Ink Masters

Gena Harris
Gena Harris Portfolio
2 min readDec 14, 2021

Infinity symbols, roses, and feathers used to be in high demand for tattoos. Now, tattoo artists said they’re seeing a trend of exclusive pieces.

Jesse James is the owner of Light Touch Tattoos in Big Rapids.

“There are definitely fads that come through but these days people are getting a lot more custom pieces that are somewhat unique to the individual. Mostly because of the internet people are more aware of what an artist is capable of.”

Another tattoo shop in Big Rapids said tattoos are a form of personal expression.

Dennis Cook is the owner of Dawg Tags tattoos.

He said in his two-decade career he remains intrigued by his clients.

“What I like about it is that you get a fresh perspective from so many different people about things so it’s nice. I had a group come in and their grandmother had just passed away so part of their thing to try to get over it is that all of their family got little cancer ribbon tattoos.”

But apparently not all tattoos are forever… one industry report predicts that moving forward, the tattoo removal market will grow nearly twice as fast as tattoo parlors.



Gena Harris
Gena Harris Portfolio

Central Michigan University Student double majoring in Broadcast and Cinematic Arts and Political Science