A Call to Action

Make Your Voice Heard!

Jordan Shapiro
3 min readApr 20, 2017


Genaerrative has big ambitions. We want to make a dent in the gene editing revolution. We want to be a locus of information and conversation. We want to play a role in how humanity (re)defines itself.

And to do that, we need help.

Calling all writers, marketers, editors, and creatives who believe in what we’re trying to build and want to rush straight from the sidelines to center court. If you have a knack for explaining technical concepts to the masses, getting psyched about futurist biotechnology, or sparking productive conversation, we’re looking for you. Read on.

Writing Roles

Each Genaerrative writer will own a recurring column to publish on our site. We’re specifically looking for people who want to write the following…


Approximate frequency: 2/month
Genaerrative exists to create conversation around human gene editing because a conversation around human gene editing needs to exist. The ethics of gene editing are murky and complex, and we’re looking for someone who can untangle those threads for the average human to understand. If you’re interested in thinking through the philosophy and sociological implications of gene editing, this is the column for you.
Check out an example in Quandries, our bioethics column.

The Latest

Approximate frequency: 2/month or as news breaks
News roundups. You’ve got a close eye on Google Alerts and when something big happens, you’ve heard about it. This column will not compete with news outlets directly, but will gather different opinions of news or research into one spot, tie together or contrast any varying perspectives, and offer your interpretation to our readers.

The Locus

Approximate frequency: 2/month and updates to sources
Genaerrative intends to be a connection point to all things human gene editing. We want this column to bring together pieces of gene editing history, important resources, industry maps, etc. to make Genaerrative a one-stop-shop for relevant information. Check out an example here.

The Sci-Fi Narrative

Approximate Frequency: 2–3/month
Sci-fi is often the closest we get to glimpsing our future. Authors take their understanding of our developing technology and project it out into a possible reality. This column will evaluate the narrative around sci-fi as seen in modern media (books, movies, TV, etc.), dissect it for its assumptions, connotations, and accuracy, and help our readers analyze the rapidly changing responses to gene editing we have all around us.


Think we’re missing a column? Feel free to reach out with an idea for a column that we’re missing that you’d like to write!

Operational Roles


Help Genaerrative to spread its reach and impact. We’re looking for a growth hacker to get our name and ideas out into the public. Now how to optimize our advertising? Thoughts on getting our ideas in Op Eds to draw readership? This is the role for you.


Genaerrative is about getting the public involved in conversation. That requires more than marketing and readership — it requires true engagement with our platform. We’re looking for an out-of-the-box thinker to find ways to get humans talking to each other about the future of our species.


Did we miss an operational role? Feel free to reach out if you have another idea for how you could be involved in Genaerrative!

How to Apply

Shoot us an email at genaerrative@gmail.com! Please include your resume and a short, relevant writing sample (≤200 words).



Jordan Shapiro

VC at NEA, Schwarzman Scholar (Tsinghua University) ‘17, Proud Stanford grad (BS ’15, MS ‘16), Mayfield Fellow, biotech futurist and theater enthusiast.