Building Text Toxicity Classifier using Lyzr Automata

GenAI Agents Unleashed
4 min readMar 28, 2024

The internet has revolutionized communication, fostering connection and knowledge sharing. However, this digital landscape can also breed negativity. Online toxicity — hateful comments, insults, and harassment — can create a hostile environment, discouraging meaningful discourse and pushing valuable voices away.

This blog post will guide you through building a Streamlit app that utilizes the power of Lyzr Automata and OpenAI to identify potentially toxic comments.

Why Text Classification Matters?

Text classification tools can play a vital role in mitigating online toxicity. By identifying potentially harmful comments, these tools empower platforms and individuals to:

  • Promote respectful dialogue: By flagging toxic comments, platforms can encourage users to reconsider their language and foster more civil discussions.
  • Protect users from harassment: Identifying toxic comments allows for intervention and the protection of users from targeted negativity.
  • Create a safer online space: By filtering out toxic content, online communities can become more welcoming and inclusive for everyone.

Building Your Text Classifier with Lyzr Automata

Lyzr Automata provides a user-friendly platform to build AI-powered applications. In this case, we’ll utilize Lyzr Automata alongside OpenAI’s powerful language models to create a Streamlit application for text toxicity classification.

Libraries and API Key:

import streamlit as st
from lyzr_automata.ai_models.openai import OpenAIModel
from lyzr_automata import Agent,Task
from lyzr_automata.pipelines.linear_sync_pipeline import LinearSyncPipeline
from PIL import Image
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os

api = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
  • The code imports necessary libraries like streamlit, lyzr_automata, PIL (for image processing), and dotenv (for environment variables).
  • load_dotenv() loads the OpenAI API key stored in a separate .env file (remember to create a .env file and store your API key securely!).

User Input:

query=st.text_input("Enter your comment: ")
  • st.text_input("Enter your comment: ") creates a text box where users can enter the comment they want to classify.

OpenAI Model Setup:

open_ai_text_completion_model = OpenAIModel(
"model": "gpt-4-turbo-preview",
"temperature": 0.2,
"max_tokens": 1500,
  • OpenAIModel() from lyzr_automata is used to define the OpenAI model to be used. Here, it's set to "gpt-4-turbo-preview" with specific parameters like temperature and maximum tokens.

Toxicity Classification Function:

def toxicity_classifier(query):

toxicity_agent = Agent(
role="toxicity expert",
prompt_persona=f"You are an Expert toxicity finder. Your task is to find whether the {query} is toxic or not"

prompt=f"""you are a toxicity classifier and you have to find whether {query} is toxic or not.[!IMPORTANT]ONLY ANSWER WHETHER SENTENCE IS TOXIC OR NOT.nothing else apart from this"""

toxicity_task = Task(
name="Toxicity Classifier",

output = LinearSyncPipeline(
name="Toxicity Pipline",
completion_message="pipeline completed",

answer = output[0]['task_output']

return answer
  • toxicity_classifier(query) defines a function that takes the user's input (query) as an argument.
  • An Agent is created within the function, specifying its role as a "toxicity expert" and its purpose of identifying toxicity in the provided text.
  • The prompt_persona provides context to the model.
  • A clear prompt is defined using another st.markdown() call. It emphasizes that the model should only classify the text as toxic or non-toxic, avoiding any additional information.
  • A Task is created using Task(), specifying the task name, the OpenAI model, the agent, and the instructions (prompt) for the model.
  • A LinearSyncPipeline is created using LinearSyncPipeline(). This pipeline executes the defined tasks sequentially.
  • The pipeline is named “Toxicity Pipeline” with a completion message.
  • The list of tasks includes the previously defined toxicity_task.
  • .run() executes the pipeline, triggering the model's analysis.
  • The function retrieves the task’s output (output[0]['task_output']) which contains the model's classification (toxic or non-toxic).
  • Finally, the function returns the retrieved answer.

Run Button and Output:

if st.button("Solve"):
solution = toxicity_classifier(query)
  • st.button("Solve") creates a button labeled "Solve." Clicking this button triggers the code below it.
  • If the button is pressed, the solution variable stores the result of the toxicity_classifier function, passing the user's input (query).
  • st.markdown(solution) displays the model's classification (toxic or non-toxic) on the Streamlit app using the markdown function.

This code demonstrates how to leverage Streamlit, Lyzr Automata, and OpenAI to create a user-friendly application for text toxicity classification. With this Streamlit app, users can easily identify potentially toxic comments, promoting a more positive online environment.

try it now:

For more information explore the website: Lyzr

