Genaro Eden Application Scenarios and User Experience

In the era of data eruption, no matter whether you are an individual or a group, each one is a data producer in some way. And all the data producers are looking for a bigger and safer harbor to moor their information.

Genaro Eden upholds the principle of ‘Returning users’ data to the users’. This is what makes its application prospects impossible to ignore.

Now let’s take a look at how Genaro Eden can exert influence on those industries that are closely related to our daily life — and transform them!

Target Users and Application Scenarios

Every individual or company that has a need for secure storage can become a potential user of Genaro Eden. The following will illustrate the possible application scenarios of Genaro Eden from the perspectives of both individuals and corporate users.


  • Blockchain lovers

Anyone who believes that blockchain technology can bring more security to data storage. Blockchain-based technology allows each user to store data in a secure, high-performance, and inexpensive manner. While most of the products in the market are no more than concepts, a believer in blockchain would not want to miss the opportunity to try Genaro Eden, the first peer-to-peer storage application in Asia? It will open a door for you to enter the brand new blockchain world. Your journey starts right from here!

  • People who have high requirements for data privacy

Data privacy in the digital age has become a priceless asset. Blockchain empowers users to preserve their data and privacy. Ant Financial Services under Alibaba Group had considered associating Alipay with Japan’s bank accounts, but Japanese banks were concerned that consumers’ personal information might be leaked and they did not agreed to cooperate. The president of Mizuho Financial Group stated at the press conference: “The consumer’s data is property and it is very important not to leak it to a third party.” Genaro Eden is a reliable security lock for everyone’s valuable data assets. Whether they are your movies, photos, or documents, all can be encrypted and stored safely on Genaro Eden without the need for you to be worried about data leakage.

  • Content Creators

For content creators, copyright is undoubtedly their greatest concern. If there is a truly secure storage platform it will undoubtedly bring them a certain amount of assurance and benefit. Imagine you were a writer. Would you be worried that the data stored in the Cloud could be accessed by hackers? The permanent and private data storage provided by Genaro Eden fully demonstrates content creator benefits which should not be underestimated.

  • Program Developers

Today, most application developers are relying on third-party platforms or cloud storage for data storage; Genaro Eden has great potential in this area. The Genaro Network will publish an API (Application Programming Interface) for program developers so that engineers can upload, download, and view files on Genaro Network without using a separate platform.


The enterprise version of Genaro Eden is still under development. Along with the extensive application of blockchain technology, Eden’s corporate version will also have a lot of room for development.

  • Government

Profile records and personal asset records can be stored on Genaro Eden. The government can use the blockchain’s digital timestamps to verify and sign documents that contain important citizen information and proof of ownership, while the peer-to-peer model allows all data in the system to be simultaneously and permanently distributed across nodes, avoiding corruption or fraud caused by government workers.

  • Medical

Medical data usually contain sensitive information such as patient’s identity information, treatment plan, and treatment costs. Once the data is compromised, lawbreakers can easily cause harm to patients on health property by stealing information.

  • Logistics

Think about daily transaction records and shipping numbers on Taobao. All of these need a stable storage platform. Another thing that troubles users is that the data they enter on these platforms is vulnerable to being hacked. So when you receive an unwanted ad or sales call, have you ever pictured an ideal scene whereby all your data is encrypted and stored in a secure way so that no one can access your phone number and expose you to telephone harassment?

  • Banks

It is common that when you go to the bank to sign up for a credit card, then the bank gets all your personal information. You have no idea how the data will be saved, let alone where the data is going. Banks always promise something along the lines of not sending your information to a third party or using your information for other purposes. However, you still feel suspicious when getting an unexpected call from some financial managers promoting their latest financial products or insurance company — wondering, ‘how come they know my contact number?’ The emergence of a peer-to-peer storage provider such as Genaro Network can solve this tricky problem. Since the users’ data belongs only to themselves, the bank can only have limited access when handling services for its client.

These are just a few examples. With the collection of feedback on Genaro Eden Personal Edition and the further development of the Enterprise Edition, more application scenarios will be discovered and thus push companys’ data protection to a higher level.

User Experience

The car inventor Henry Ford once said: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” The underlying meaning of this sentence is that people’s core need is “faster.” However, “cars” at that time did not exist even in people’s wildest imaginations. It was impossible for them to think of something that could replace horses as vehicles.

Imagine you ask a similar question to users who are accustomed to cloud storage: “what kind of storage services do you want?” It can be assumed that their answer might be — a faster, safer, and more economical storage. From this point of view, “faster,” “more secure,” and “more economical” are the fundamental factors that impress users. The birth of peer-to-peer storage can beat its competitors’ cloud storage to meet the real needs of customers.

Then the next question is which peer-to-peer storage service to choose? Most may have heard of Storj, Sia, IPFS, and other decentralized storage services. But now, Genaro Eden, the first peer-to-peer storage application based on Genaro Network in Asia, can provide users with more secure, private, efficient, economical and permanently storage solution.

So what does it look like and is it easy to use?

Genaro’s Design: simple, clean and easy

Open Genaro Eden and you will see this user-friendly interface:

It is worth noting that compared to traditional cloud storage software, Genaro Eden needs to import its own private key. In addition to reading the instructions, users need to have a basic understanding of blockchain — keep in mind that each person must be responsible for their own storing behavior and not rely on the centralized server to help recover personal data once it’s lost.

Genaro’s Value: Return users’ data to users

When users experience Genaro Eden, they not only store their own data, but also possess a feeling of control over their own data. This is the embodiment of the value which is what Genaro Eden wants to pass to the user.

Early this year, at the Blockchain Connect conference held in San Francisco, Jason Inch, Chief Strategy Officer of Genaro, put forward a viewpoint from a novel perspective: In this era of “nothing to hide”, protecting our data doesn’t only mean protect it from being leaked but also protect our rights of using them. In another word, how we are going to use the data should be decided by data owners.

Genaro Eden, a vanguard in the blockchain industry, believes that users are the owners of their own data. The data ONLY belongs to the users themselves. As a pioneer in changing the rules of the game for data storage, we know the road is long and winding, and we only took a first small step of a thousand-mile journey when Genaro Eden was released. However, we will gradually create an impact on the traditional cloud storage industry… and discover who will succeed in the end.

- About Genaro Network -

The Genaro Network, the creator of the Blockchain 3.0 Ecosystem, is the first Turing-complete public chain that incorporates a decentralized storage network. Genaro’s original SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) with PoS (Proof of Stake) mixed consensus mechanism aims to create a blockchain platform with a processing speed of tens of thousands of transactions per second, which opens the way for the technological shift to move data from centralized clouds to blockchain with decentralized storage. Genaro offers developers a one-stop combined platform for deploying smart contracts and storing the data needed for DAPPs, while also providing everyone with a more trustworthy Internet and a sharing community.

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Smart Data Ecosystem by Genaro Network

First smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture. See full blog at Smart Data Ecosystem Publication or