GNX Allocation Statement

Greetings Genaro Community Supporters,

On the occasion of the Genaro Mainnet launch, we wish to express our gratitude to all our community and partners for their support of the Genaro Network project. Genaro Network, as the first smart data ecosystem with a dual-strata architecture integrating blockchain and storage layers, is pleased to announce that the incentive model has migrated from the Ethereum blockchain to its own infrastructure, the Genaro Mainnet.

Since its launch in 2016, the project has been dedicated to the development of the underlying technology of the blockchain, while adhering to the principles of transparency, objectivity and fairness. We are continuing to work hard to reach our shared goals.

In that spirit, this statement highlights the current situation and allocation of all outstanding GNX.

  • The node reward is increased from 5% to 10%;
  • Any remaining GNX allocated for Community Funds, Ecosystem Funds,
    Development Funds, Airdrop, and core members are all reduced and collectively referred to as “Genaro Foundation Reserved”, and will be locked for three years;
  • The total supply is reduced to 650,000,000 by destroying 25,000,000 GNX;
  • The co-founding team’s GNX are reduced in proportion to the amount destroyed.

Node Reward

Genaro Node Rewards are used to reward storage space contributors in the
distributed storage networks and consensus committee nodes in the public

Lock Address: 0x00De436C223019998647153606d2e61Ee0009de2
Initial Holding Amount: 65,000,000 GNX

Locking method: The foundation locks and assigns rewards to the nodes
according to their contribution to the Mainnet. For the specific distribution
rules, please refer to the “Mainnet GNX User Instruction”

At the same time, this address serves a staking function. At present, each
exchange still retains the ERC20 GNX Token. Users who want use Genaro
products in the public chain need to perform a GNX replacement from the
official channel, and transfer the ERC20 GNX Token to this account to obtain
the mainnet GNX. Meanwhile, Genaro public chain users can replace their
mainnet GNX with the ERC20 GNX Token at any time; the GNX in this
address has a variable value.

The remaining locked early investment

Since June 2017, Genaro has been supported by more than 20 well-known
funds, such as: Wanxiang Chainbase Accelerator, BlockAsset, ChainPE,
CollinStar, LinkVC, Node Capital, Stars Capital, ZhanQi Fund, Tally Capital
and Digital X. All GNX belonging to the above have been unlocked in 2017-
2018. As of the time, the Mainnet goes online, only one early investment
institution’s GNX has not been unlocked. The information is as follows:

Lock Address: 0x7d516111abd493c530da2bb04b7b610f84f64a7b
Holding amount: 24,000,000 GNX

Locking period: Fully locked until November 16, 2020
Locking method: Smart contract

Genaro Foundation Reserved

This part of GNX is locked in the Genaro Foundation for the future
development of the Genaro project. In order to improve the recognition and
liquidity of GNX, GNX will be used in various useful collaborations. The
specific uses are as follows:

(1) Community Fund — community construction and development, including
market activities, community contributor rewards, community activities
(Meetups, AMAs) community management, etc.;
(2) Ecosystem Fund — Promote the development of public chain applications, including incubating high-quality blockchain applications, rewarding active applications on the mainnet;
(3) Development Fund –for public ownership, research and development of
self-built applications, public-chain related tools, etc.;
(4) Strategic Funds — mainly used to accept future strategic investments;
(5) Core member incentives — used to encourage talented people to join the
Genaro team in different forms, including but not limited to full-time members, part-time members, business consultants, academic consultants, legal counsel, financial, business development and marketing consultants, as well as members who have made significant contributions to the strategy and other aspects;
(6) Airdrop award –Airdrops as rewards for various user growth activities.
Current holdings: 235,912,993 GNX, allocated as follows:

Lock Address I: 0x0008f659AD7D92147B0451ae25FF1c73D0e91232
Holding amount: 56,290,392 GNX

Locking method: Smart contract
Locking period: Fully locked until December 14, 2020

Lock Address II: 0x003E477D7D1e004A2d1e3C98c36d00Db2cDE7CaC
Holding amount: 179,622,601 GNX

Locking method: Locked by the Genaro Foundation
Locking period: Locked from the launch of the mainnet for three years,
unlocking proportionately on a quarterly basis, until fully unlocked in January
2022 (Note that unlocking does not mean that it will be used or allocated, only that it is available for use)

Operation Address: 0x009C1f41919Bc9a7EdA03c23F6E16CD2f82db45c
Description of use: The GNX unlocked proportionately from Lock Address II
(locked by the Genaro Foundation)is transferred to this address. GNX for all
kinds of uses mentioned above are transferred from this address. The unused
GNX remains at this address, and the initial value is 14,968,550 GNX, which
is the proportionately unlocked amount for the first quarter of 2019.


Co-founders Token is locked by a smart contract, currently totaling
58,500,000 GNX.

Lock-up period: full lock-up period is two years (to August 18, 2019);
thereafter proportionately released over a period of one year (until August 18,
Lock Address I: 0x5b71762832f0d153c7852a3de19ed4103e194d2c
Lock Address II: 0xA70C99aC8AE1941172763DCa69E94Dfee5512973
Lock Address III: 0x0070D8D332Ec936bBCb5C4Ee938a3209AAf10Dad
Lock Address IV: 0x00C42cd8D1a3B6D86e4B506f80F08D7193B324F8


The above is the updated GNX allocation and official address announcement.
Addresses that are not listed above do not belong to the Genaro Network
The token is the soul of the public chain. Therefore, the logical design of the
token’s economic model and the display of public addresses are the
prerequisites for the healthy development of the public chain.
In the course of this long bear market, we would like to thank you for your
continued support. During the ups and downs of these first two years, Genaro
has achieved significant progress, with the help of all parties, now finally
including the launch of the Genaro Mainnet. In the future, we will continue to
move forward together, and we hope that our new products will continue to
change the world before your eyes.

Genaro Foundation
December 12, 2018



Genaro Network (GNX)
Smart Data Ecosystem by Genaro Network

First smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture. See full blog at Smart Data Ecosystem Publication or