Unblock the Way to Love

Chinese legend has it that on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar(Qixi), the goddess inthe sky and the cowherd onthe earthmeet on a bridge built bytens of thousands of magpies.

This year, Qixi, as known as “Chinese Valentine’s Day” falls on the 17thof August.

Picture source: https://www.tes.com/lessons/LWtba1KoGCJZag/qi-xi-the-night-of-sevens

Let us takea flight of the imagination here. In the digital era, how could thesetwo conveytheir love to each other in a swift yet romantic way? After all, it’s been a year and the meeting is short. “Being separated by the clear water, they looked at each other with love in their eyes without words” (盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语) as an anonymous poet in the Han Dynasty depicted it. Might there be a more explicit way for them to express their affection instead of carrying on in this sweet, sorrowful and silent manner?

Smart Contract between Lovers

To ensure the promise of their annual date, would it be possible (or preferable) thatthe Cowherd and the WeaverGirlshould have a Smart Contract?

“A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are traceable and irreversible.”[1] To make a simple analogy: A borrows money from B, and the IOUis equal to a contract. Within the world of blockchain, writing these agreements into a public blockchain, thus lettingeveryone know about them, is part of making a “smart contract”.

In their case, we may draftonelike this: On the 7th day of the lunar calendar on July 7th, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet at the bridge. If one party can’t make theappointment, then the result will be announced toall the magpies, so that they will not buildthis “bridge of love” forthemthe next year. It seems to be a clear yet strict contract that can nevertheless be executed fairly.What’s more, the previous middleman (the Queen Mother, who rules the goddesses from the heavenly palace) is left out of the implementation of the contract, and no decision is required through her.

Picture source: https://smartvows.com/

The reason why “smart” contracts are “smart” is because all the terms of their contracts are evaluated and executed by computer code, which makes it unnecessary for any credit endorsement. In other words, it requires a more complex computer language to describe more complex situations to ensure its functionality. One of the problems facing smart contracts today is how to deal with unexpected scenarios. In the case of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, what if there is a flight delayor other emergency situationhappenedon the way, which makes the Cowherdnot be able toshow up, or vice versa? Will there be some pardonable statementin this smart contract? After all, not going to the appointment was not the original intention of the Cowherdor the Weaver Girl.

A smart contract is claimed to be a “trust making machine”. So the other question to be pondereduponis thatifthis so-called “trust making machine” is neededbetween lovers, doesit mean that the trust between the two parties hasalreadygoneat the very beginning of drafting?

Red Beans Grow in the South Land

The first sentence of this well-knownpoemby Wang Wei in Tang Dynasty tells the origin of the red bean. “Red Bean, aplant grownin the Lingnan area/ The seed is like a pea and is slightly flat and has bright redcolor.” It is said that “this bean can best representthe yearning feeling of missing someone.”

Picture source: http://en.chinaculture.org/chineseway/2014-08/25/content_559402.htm

Back to the Cowherd and Weaver. The road rising-up from earth to heaven waslongand winding… Despite many obstacles, the Cowherd and the Weaver finally meton the magpie bridge. At this moment, the Cowherd pulled out a bag of non-GMO organic red beans from his baggage and gave it to the Weaver Girl. You might want to ridiculethis scarcely presentable gift. But what if I told you this bag of red beans was endowed withblockchain traceability technology. She knew for certain that the beans were organic and unmodified. This was definitely an edible, poetic and high-tech token of love!

Believe it or not, most Chinese people have a long-standing conviction that “Food is as important as heaven (民以食为天).”In recent years, the food safety problemhas attracted more and more people’s attention with the emergence of various counterfeit foods. Whether it is fake eggs, plastic rice or counterfeit meat, all kinds of freakishadulteration is making more and more Chinese into skeptics. In this context, the intrinsic characteristics of blockchains — allowing for traceability of information and immutable data– are undoubtedly an important tool for ensuring safety.

Using blockchain technology, we can accommodate hundreds of millions of agricultural product information units in a single data network. In theory, it is even possible to set up specialized information blocks for each agricultural product or food production process.Moreover, such a data network can achieve a seamless connection between farmers, enterprises, consumers and management departments, thus not only solving the problem of agricultural product safety and quality, but also solving the problems of agricultural product market planning and management. Whether it is red beans, rice or other agricultural product, you and your loved ones will be able to see its origin clearly and won’t have to fear getting fooled or even poisoned in one way or another.

Well, the Cowherd is not content with giving his lover farm products every year. He occasionally wants to be a bit extravagant.

For example, he thinks that when the harvest is good, sending an”Louis Vuitton” bag to the Weaver Girl should not be a problem. However, what if he buysafake one? After all, the current counterfeiting technology has almost reached a point of perfection. Luckily, with blockchain technology, he doesn’t have to worry about buying a fakebag. VeChain, which focuses on luxury anti-counterfeiting, cooperates with the LV Group to embed NFC chips in LV bags, thus providing reliable identification for first sale and second-hand transactions. The Weaver girl,who livesan abundantlife, is not a money worshipper and doesn’t carethat muchabout one or two luxury bags. Yet the Cowherd’s way of showing authentic love withan authenticbagcan definitelyimpress herdeeply.

Give MyMost Precious Data to You

The Cowherd’s daily jobis to grazecattle. In his leisuretime, he tries to capture as manyfunmomentsas possible– but the sporadic signal connection between the heavenand earthdoesn’t allow him to send the pictures or videos instantly to the Weaver girl. Many times he is sitting on the river bank alone, watching cattle while blowing hisflute during the sunset. He wants to record all these moments but unfortunately, the cowherd’s hard disk storage space is too small. Some of thefiles have to bedeletedto make up space for the new ones, and the storage servicehe once used,‘Aniuyun’,was attacked by hackers, sosome filesare lost forever. He’s beenlooking for a reliable data storageplatform for a while now.

How can he send all the memories of the whole previous year to the Weaver Girl in the coming year? At the same time, the Weaver Girl also faces the same problem. How can she share her life in the Heaven Palace and allow the Cowherd to see it?

Their answer is not far away. A storage solution provided by the Genaro Network (GNX) team, Genaro Eden, can solve this problem. Genaro Eden, the first DApp based on the Genaro Network, provides everyone with a trusted internet and sharing community. The encryption technology allows users to master the data themselves. Redundant storage guarantees that files are permanently online. The sharingeconomic model based on free bidding also guarantees the lowest price in the market. In this way, the Cowherd and the Weaver do not have to worry about lacking somewhere to store their data nor about the loss of data.

Perhaps,onthe nightbefore Qixi, aromanticway for them to express their love would be to exchange their private Genaro Eden keys –What gift after all, could be more precious than one’s most precious data?

After watchingthedaily records of each other’s life foroneyear, safely storedon Genaro Eden, now it’s time for them to meetagain…


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_contract


3. “Blockchain: From Digital Currency to Smart Society”, P165

4. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evolution-smart-contract-shifting-definitions-smarter-luke-sheehan/

About Genaro Network

The Genaro Network is the first smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture, integrating a public blockchain with decentralized storage. Genaro pioneered the combination of SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) with PoS (Proof of Stake) to form a new consensus mechanism, ensuring stronger performance, better security and a more sustainable blockchain infrastructure. Genaro provides developers with a one-stop platform to deploy smart contracts and store the data needed by DAPPs simultaneously. Genaro Network’s mission is to ensure the secure migration of the core Internet infrastructure to the blockchain.

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Genaro Network (GNX)
Smart Data Ecosystem by Genaro Network

First smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture. See full blog at Smart Data Ecosystem Publication or https://medium.com/genaro-network