World Blockchain Marvels: Catiah and Andrea Join Panels in Hong Kong


Hong Kong, August 23–24 — Genaro’s COO Andrea Liu and Vp of Global Department Catiah Lee joined two separate panels in the two-day World Blockchain Marvels Conference in Hong Kong this week.

Sponsored by the Korea society of blockchain and hosted by Bitemper and the Korea CEO Summit, the event at the city’s Kerry Hotel was attended by key players from the blockchain scene, with a focus on East Asia. Chinese and Korean companies were well represented, with keynotes and contributions from BYTOM, Bizblocks, NULS, Hex and others. A panel on Hollywood and blockchain also featured the Reservoir Dogs star Michael Madsen and other guests discussing how the technology will change California’s complex studio system in future.

The conference saw many group discussions on the current internal state of blockchain and crypto as well as debate on how society is being or will be affected. At 11.30 AM on Friday 24th Genaro Founder and COO Andrea sat on a panel addressing the “Challenges in the Blockchain Realm”, along with Jack Liao, Founder of Bitcoin Gold, and Duan Xinxing, Founder of BYTOM, along with leaders from HYCON, NULS and STORM. Later the same day at 16.20 it was the turn of Catiah Lee, head of the GNX Global Team, to speak about the coming “World of Blockchain” alongside Jason Zhang, the CEO of NULS, and Praneet Kumar of the Global Blockchain Foundation, and Gaoan Choi, CEO of AXIOMZ. “Overall,” said Catiah after the talk, “This was a great opportunity to show our knowledge and gain a better understanding of the true direction of blockchain and its future social impact from people operating at the cutting edge in Asia and farther afield.”

About Genaro Network (GNX)

The Genaro Network is the first smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture, integrating a public blockchain with decentralized storage. Genaro pioneered the combination of SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) with PoS (Proof of Stake) to form a new consensus mechanism, ensuring stronger performance, better security and a more sustainable blockchain infrastructure. Genaro provides developers with a one-stop platform to deploy smart contracts and store the data needed by DAPPs simultaneously. Genaro Network’s mission is to ensure the secure migration of the core Internet infrastructure to the blockchain.

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Genaro Network (GNX)
Smart Data Ecosystem by Genaro Network

First smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture. See full blog at Smart Data Ecosystem Publication or