An Update on Non-Fungible Heroes & The Frontierverse

Gen City Labs
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2023

NFHeroes has reached an important milestone. In combination with our awesome storytellers, we have completed the narrative component of the show bible. This means that the team will be undergoing some change. Let us provide some background to give everyone insight into the past year, and give some information about what to expect for the future!

I don’t have to tell any of you about the depths of the bear market. We’re all living through it together. And it has become very clear that only a few projects are able to drive enough revenue through the continued sale of NFTs to survive. And if you’re not a BAYC, Azuki, Pudgy, or Doodle, you’re going to have a hard time building a sustainable business. That’s simply the reality of the world today — but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways to build!

As many of you know, we have started Gen City Labs (GCL) to be an experiential agency — focused on creating brand activations using new technologies (web3 amongst them). The GCL team is about 18 people and is projected to generate positive cashflow this year. The brand activations we’ve built, for Fortune 500 brands like Intel, AT&T, Coinbase, Mercedes Benz, and others, are what allow us to continue to invest in NFH. You have certainly seen a reduced availability for many of us — building a startup is time consuming and challenging, and requires focus — and for me and others, that means focusing on the short-term revenue opportunities that will allow us to stay in business.

For the past six months, Amanda (Din Duarte), Gus, and Jui have been taking the reins for NFHeroes. Their creative talent and leadership has allowed NFH, alongside the community, to build out a compelling backstory and incredible art. They have been provided a discretionary budget that has allowed them to engage Eurico and Terramar to assist in these efforts. And together, the team has created something that is fun, engaging, and exciting. The ultimate goal is to provide a pitch bible to a production company who sees the property’s potential, and who is willing to invest in getting NFH made into something much larger. Now that we have completed the pitch bible, we move onto the next phase of the media and entertainment efforts — pitching it. This will include using Amanda and Gus’s contacts, our friends at WME, and others who we’ve met in the industry. If all goes well, we hope to find a production partner who can take this to the next level!

That said, we cannot continue to fund creative efforts indefinitely. Until NFH is driving revenue directly, it will have to operate on a limited budget. The previous budget has been scaled back and provided to the creative team, who have to make some difficult decisions. And right now, given that the story is in a great place, one of those decisions is to move forward with the community directly — continuing to build stories and create fantastic narratives, to support those with exceptional art and their creative vision, and to get out and pitch the entertainment industry on what we have all created.

There are no guarantees in Hollywood — it’s a tough business, as evidenced by the struggles that web3 native projects have had in getting out of the gate. That said, I think we are positioned as well as anyone to break through.

The team remains dedicated to driving value back to our holders and supporters. And for us, the easiest way to do that is to build a sustainable business that provides a budget for the creative team to continue to drive community engagement, story, and experiences. We’ll work on identifying more channels to tell Night Ape’s story, including digital publishing on multiple platforms, and providing exclusives through the Loremporium.

What you can do as a member of the NFH community to help us work towards these goals:

Keep creating. Use the gallery, Discord, and your imagination to develop your characters. You never know when an opportunity to audition your Heroes, Villains and Gods will present itself: from animated opportunities to comics, key characters in lore and games, we will continue to draw inspiration from what YOU create.

Coming up on Friday, tune into a Live Drawing session on YouTube — your comments and ideas will help craft the future of our universe.

As always, we’re open to suggestions from our Heroes and Villains. If you want to playback the audio recording from our last community chat, you can find it in our Discord.

