What You Need To Know About Web3 Powered Brand Activations (+ Made By Apes!)

MK Granados
Gen City Labs
Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2023

In the realm of interactive & experiential marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. As audiences evolve and digital landscapes continue to reshape our world, brands must level up their engagement strategies to craft unforgettable experiences. Enter Web3 (the tech jargon term for digital strategies involving the blockchain) which is creating opportunities for brands to connect and reward their audiences.

We’re breaking down the fundamentals for marketers to know when exploring Web3 for marketing-based engagement, (Hint: it’s not all WAGMI and rainbows!)

Web3: A New Frontier for Brand Activations

Web3, often associated with NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized applications (dApps), represents a paradigm shift in the digital space. Fundamentally, it’s all about reimagining how we interact with the internet, moving from centralized control to decentralized, user-driven experiences. While business applications range from supply chain management to international finance, applying these fundamentals to marketing is still a novelty.

Why would a brand want to add a Web3 layer to its brand activation?

Image generated by Ideogram.ai

1. Authenticity and Transparency

Web3 technologies are built on the principles of transparency and decentralization. By incorporating Web3 into marketing campaigns and events, brands have the opportunity to showcase their core values with the support of smart contracts and traceable transactions. Something like charitable contributions or prize distribution becomes verifiable and tamper-proof, fostering a deeper sense of trust.

2. Ownership and Empowerment

Web3 enables users to have true ownership of their digital assets. By offering NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) or digital collectibles as part of activations, brands empower attendees to collect and trade assets. This ownership goes beyond the campaign, creating a lasting connection between the brand and the audience.

As an asterisk to this, we’ll add: We’re still early with this tech. At the moment many brands are challenged in this space because the execution of true ownership is tricky. Tech-savvy early adopters of NFTs have browser-extension wallets and can execute a blockchain-backed transaction in seconds, however, new-to-Web3 audiences need more support and guidance. Marketplaces and white-labeled platforms are popping up for brands with the promise of easy accessibility to all audiences, however they often create a sandbox where participants don’t experience the complete spectrum of true ownership. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing- it creates a contained, safe, branded environment for a campaign, but it isn’t 100% aligned with the core ethos of ownership that Web3 is built on.

3. Exclusivity and Engagement

NFTs and digital collectibles introduce an element of exclusivity through scarcity and limited-time availability. Brands may choose to price their tokens at an elite, premium price point and offer extremely coveted access, or make them available only to participants in a special campaign or event. Many brands recognize ownership of these digital tokens as access to an exclusive club, creating a sense of community and belonging. This exclusivity can drive engagement and loyalty, as attendees eagerly participate in collecting and trading tokens.

As an example, Coinbase recognized CB Token Club holders with access to their exclusive lounge at Lollapalooza and EDC:

Image credit: Lollapalooza on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cvnalw7JPH1/. Tech for brand activation provided by Gen City Labs. Discover more about this activation here: https://medium.com/gencitylabs/mad-boogie-creations-featured-as-coinbase-nft-artist-at-lollapalooza-7d9675669ed1

4. Access to Gated Content & Voting

To operate a marketing campaign at scale for global audiences, offering digital deliverables creates an eco-friendly way for brands to still provide exclusive access,

Take Krapopolis, the upcoming Fox show by Dan Harmon. Collectors of their NFT are given first access to video clips, as well as opportunities to vote on details that will be featured in the animated show.

5. Interoperability & Collaboration

We’re definitely still early in this area, but it’s perhaps one of the most exciting concepts for a marketer to explore.

Recently, I explained NFTs are like hotel key cards. My room key is programmed by the front desk to unlock the door to my room, but the hotel also made it so the housekeeping, engineering, and management keys unlock the same door. In that same sense, developers can create pages that are unlocked by holding different NFTs. Thinking of some brands that already have NFTs out in the ecosystem, imagine a hospitality brand partnering with Budweiser and Nike so that holders of their NFTs have first access to booking rooms for NFL draft weekend. It’s simpler than needing to connect complex existing loyalty programs and can be updated in seconds to add additional partners or extra value to participants.

These are just a few examples, and our team is passionate about exploring these new frontiers and creating transformative customer experiences. If you’ve got questions about how any of this works, or if this could be something that enhances your 2024 marketing strategies, give us a shout.

Made By Apes

Gen City Labs is proud to share that we’ve received Made By Apes ™ License #00012. Shaman holds BAYC #662 & was quick to apply to this launch program from Yuga Labs.

What is Made By Apes™?

It’s an exclusive program built by Yuga Labs to verify, support, and amplify holder-made brands and products that use BAYC and MAYC NFTs. It’s a blockchain-verified stamp of approval, with on-chain license numbers, and directory listings for holder-creators. Holders apply for a license, ensuring their brands are featured in a hosted directory coming soon.

You can learn more about the program at Yuga.com.

Why does having a Made By Apes ™ license matter?

We’re proud to be a part of the entrepreneurial community within the Bored Ape Yacht Club. From retailers to storytellers, holders are leveraging the IP they own to bring products and services to life across IRL and digital applications. We look forward to collaborating with other Made By Apes licensees for future events and activations.

See you at Ape Fest in Hong Kong!



MK Granados
Gen City Labs

Cofounder + Marketing - GenCityLabs.com. MBA. Passionate about brand activations, experiential marketing, and sponsorship. Ex-Gartner & ReedPOP.