5 things you NEED to know before you date a trans woman!

Cat Graffam
Gender 2.0
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2015
  1. Hormones give us super strength

One of the side effects of hormones is that they actually give us super strength like fuckin’ wonder woman n’ shit. I have been known to hurl men through windows in fits of rage as well as bend a frying pan with my bare hands while screaming “FUCK THE CIS-HETERO PATRIARCHY!”

2. We do in fact carry documentation of our entire transition on-hand in a zipdrive that we are more than happy to share with you anytime, anywhere.

This includes hundreds of pages of our diaries and countless blog posts discussing our inner most feelings. (also available as an audiobook)

3. We’re just like everyone else, except we’re better.

Listen, I know a lot of people are afraid to date transgender women but I can assure you that we are just like any other boring superior beings that reign above the likes of mere humans. We are just simply better in every single way, that’s all.

4. Yes, dating a trans woman DOES make you someone who’s dated a trans woman!

This is the big one people! I know that many trans women will disagree with me on this but I strongly believe that dating a trans woman does, without a doubt, make you someone who’s dated a trans woman. It’s just the way it is.

5. Each night at 10pm we stand in front of the mirror longingly, applying lipstick as tears stream down our face. Oh, the tragedy.

This is kinda just a cute and quirky thing we do so try not to schedule any dates around that time because we will be busy!

Alright everyone, there are your five easy things to remember before dating a transgender woman. That’s all you need to know! Only those 5 things! Nothing else. Nothing.

You can follow me on twitter and on my website!

