
Approval of a Transgender Hater

Getting approval from a hater who finally accepts that I am different, and passing as a woman.

Beauty Girl
Gender From The Trenches


Halloween night things were going crazy for me. I didn’t have anything to wear and didn’t know what to do, so I threw together this outfit of a Roman Princess using nothing but a clean bright color purple bedsheet tied up into a toga, and used a belt from one of my pink coats. It looked really good when I wasn’t expecting it to turn out okay.

I was taking my kids over to see their birth mother and visit for a few minutes with her side of the family, because, since we split up some 2 years ago, my kids don’t see them that much. So we went there to visit just like I’ve done in the past many times. We stopped by her Grandma's house as a courtesy to the kids.

I was greeted completely in shock; I don’t know if it was me or them but I know I was stunned.

I walked in behind the kids to my ex-wife’s Grandma's house and said “hello” like I normally would do. Her Grandma responded with “Hi,” and then had to ask my ex-wife who I was. She didn’t recognize me at all even with my kids running around. Not only that, but when she asked who I was, she asked the phrase “who is she?” like that was a natural response.

The visit was very short, but before leaving I asked her, “so how do I look?” Her response was once again a double take, and then with a stunned tone she answered, “I reckon you pass. You really pass.”

This made my night because my ex-wife’s Grandma was a hater, someone who clearly told me that I would make an ugly woman, would never pass, that I am crazy and could never look as good as a woman. These words were eaten by her statement of saying I pass. Only took 6 years to change her mind as far as how much I pass. She did still mess up the gender pronouns a little, but it was a mix of struggling over which pronouns to use mixed with when she just couldn’t place her finger on the right words.

So, in hindsight, I have to say it was completely worth this — on a night of Halloween, no less — that I passed. It was welcomed happiness for once.



Beauty Girl
Gender From The Trenches

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”