I Am Like The Wind

Because I feel, I see her nature.

Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches
2 min readMay 2, 2020


Photo by Jake Walker on Unsplash

Wind unseen but felt
Breeze on a warm day
Soft and cool through cotton
Gusts in late autumn
Red tip ears, stung by the touch

Wind unseen, but reveals its nature
Fallen leaves dancing along a foot worn path
Butterfly wings fluttering, trying to land
Tumbleweeds roll across desert sands
Flags waving to be noticed

Wind exists without being seen
Feeling on my skin, makes me believe
Seeing its nature, leaves no doubt

My trans unseen but felt
Felt as a child, too young to know
A feeling I had, a secret to bear
A boy to be, a girl obscured

My trans unseen, never to reveal its nature
Latent clothes waiting to be worn, later to be purged
A feeling to hate, never to speak of
A girl kept hidden, never to grow old
She sneaks out to see, a moment here a moment there
She might be seen by questioning eyes
Return must she, from where she came

My trans unseen, but now reveals her nature
A girl set free, a woman to be
Hair colored copper, curls to let be
Body molding to a womanlier shape
Her essence more form than structure

My trans exists, without being seen
My trans like the wind, feeling makes me believe
My trans like the wind, living true to her nature
My trans, like the wind, ever flowing

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Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches

A Tex-Mex Woman, Boots & Jeans, Cotton Dresses & Bare Feet Coffee, IPA & Scotch Storyteller & Creative