Sex, Gender, and ‘Woman Socialization’

A response to gender-criticalism

Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches


Photo by Norbu GYACHUNG on Unsplash

Let’s Have a Conversation

I welcome responses to my essays; I read them all. It’s not as if my essays get thousands of reads and tens of responses. I do get my share of negativity. Recently, I received a response from a person who believes that women who live a trans experience are men who perform femininity. Since patriarchy is in place to control female bodies, I can’t be oppressed by the patriarchy because I am not female.

This person responded to an essay I titled, “To Live A Woman’s Life.” My essay centered around wanting to live more of a cis life than a trans life. I am trans, and I can’t change that; I was born this way. But does my life have to revolve around me being trans? I don’t know; time will tell.

Here is the link if you are interested in reading, “To Live A Woman’s Life”:

I only used the word “female” once when I wrote the phrase “female socialization.” I never once wrote or implied I was female, a trans female, or a female…



Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches

A Tex-Mex Woman, Boots & Jeans, Cotton Dresses & Bare Feet Coffee, IPA & Scotch Storyteller & Creative