We Don’t Belong In Boxes

Stop putting labels on us

Robin Kyrie
Gender From The Trenches


Photo by rizki ramadhan on Unsplash

If you want the truth, I’ve never been entirely comfortable with labels in the past. After all — I was bullied growing up, and so for me, labels felt like a new way of othering. Strangely to my perspective, it seemed like ‘we’ were doing the othering ourselves. By the ‘we,’ I am, of course, talking in generalization. I couldn’t understand labels, and at the time, how they could be useful. I got a lot of backlash for that, and I still can’t see how that can be healthy — but I believe that’s an article for another time.

Today I want to write about labels. About how, while yes they are useful, and they are a fantastic addition to vocabulary, allowing us to find our ‘tribes,’ they should be used with caution. Because we don’t belong in boxes, and what are labels but a dressed-up box?

What am I talking about, however? I’m talking about how, for some people, labels become their defining characteristic. How labels are often not treated as a ‘short hand’ to clue someone in on facets of what makes us human, but as the be-all and end-all. That is where the usage of labels can become unhealthy. Once again, what is a label but a fancy cardboard box?

While I love using labels, and I use them frequently when introducing myself to clue people in very quickly how I identify and the important facets…



Robin Kyrie
Gender From The Trenches

Writing about: LGBTQIA+ Issues || Mental Health || Short Stories. Demi-male, trans-masculine — They/Them pronouns. Can be found at — https://deviateddroid.com