You Can’t Lose Straight White Male Privilege

What straight, white, AMAB people don’t understand about privilege

Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches


Photo by Steve Lieman on Unsplash

I believe it was last year while on Facebook when I first viewed a short and funny clip of Hannah Gadsby. Yes, I know I am late to the party; that is Hannah Gadsby. Since that first time, I have seen her on talk shows and heard her on several podcasts. While on a couple of weeks ago — I needed to download another title as I had one credit to use up before I canceled the membership I had for five years — I came across her book titled Nanette. I knew she had a couple of Netflix specials, but I had not chosen to watch them by the time I downloaded her audiobook.

Having heard the complete audiobook a couple of days ago, before viewing her 2018 comedy special, her book gave me more context. I can appreciate Nanette more since listening to her audiobook.

If you were assigned male at birth, experienced male puberty and socialization, lived as an adult male for a few years, and now live a trans experience, whether as a trans woman or a trans person in or out of the closet, I suggest watching Nanette. I will leave it here, as I don’t want to put any ideas in your head. If you have not watched it, I suggest having a box of tissues handy and seeing it a second time.



Jas Martinez
Gender From The Trenches

A Tex-Mex Woman, Boots & Jeans, Cotton Dresses & Bare Feet Coffee, IPA & Scotch Storyteller & Creative