Dj Spears
Gender Theory
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2015


God is Probably a Terrorist: The Construction of the Religious Extremist

“Manipulate a little information, spout some anti-rhetoric for the believers and you have a fine recipe for instant violence” –Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood

Did I just use a quote from Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood? You’re damn right I did. And with good reason. The specific episode follows a man spitting a bunch of nonsense out of his mouth, makes people believe he can bring people back from the dead and overall produce miracles.

Sound familiar to you?

Now the end of this episode shows the town split in two: the “Religious Extremist” and the Other. The other being people who don’t believe in all of these miracles.

These acts of violence and placement of fear on such a large group of people got me thinking further about who people consider a terrorist and who really is a terrorist threat to our society.

Now if you’re reading the word terrorist and think:

  1. Muslims
  2. Syrian Refugees
  3. Any person from third world countries

I am going to highly suggest you pull your lives together and stop being an asshole.

But in all seriousness, it is so easy for people to construct an idea of a terrorist through a brown body without ever analyzing how many figures people follow could be placed in the same category. No one thinks that a white body could be a terrorist, even though history shows us otherwise.

This brings me back to why I used Fullmetal Alchemist to introduce this article. The idea and construct of religion and religious figures, I believe are the biggest terrorist threat to America. And no I don’t mean Jesus the person of color who was Jewish, I am talking about the Western perception of Jesus and of God.

That’s right folks. God is probably a terrorist who is constructing what can be considered America’s largest terrorist group.

A terrorist can be defined as a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims. In simpler terms, a terrorist can be a person who incites fear in another person or group of people.

God is the epitome of someone who incites terror. Adam and Eve eat the forbidden apple, he throws a temper tantrum, curses Eve to get a period every month and they basically aren’t in God’s friend circle. The world not going as God planned, Well that’s ok, he will just flood the entire world and hope for the best, right? I mean in the end it was all for our benefit. Honestly I always found most Judeo-Christian religious to be a bunch of nonsense. More than that, it seems as though the only way that God can make sure his followers remained loyal to him was by threatening to punish them if they disobeyed him. Inciting fear. You hear this preached over and over that if you don’t follow the word of God, you must repent or you’re going to hell.

There has never been any real consistency with religion. My roommates grandfather is a Pastor, as was his father before him, but they are labelled as the “Liberal” church because they preach about love rather than the need to repent. Love thy neighbor apparently isn’t a thing anymore.

As I mentioned before, Christianity and religion possibly form the biggest terrorist threat. I’m looking at you Pro-lifers.

On Friday, there was news of a planned parenthood being shot up in Colorado, by none other than a Christian extremist, or as I like to call them, A terrorist. This attack left three people dead. And here’s when you get to see all of America’s terrorist flock together like a bunch of penguins in the cold.

A “BRAVE” hero? Send people to Syria? I’m just going to let some of this sink in for a minute.

Jasbir K. Paur states, “ What all these models and theories aim to show is how an otherwise normal individual becomes a murderous terrorist, and that process time and again is tied to the failure of the normal(ized) psyche.” Just to Clarify, Someone’s religion is making them think that it is ok for people to be murdered simply because they were getting an abortion. Someone’s religion made a man go to a planned parenthood and kill people.

Someone’s religion is justifying the actions of a terrorist.

This isn’t to mention the amount of fear Pro-lifers put into those who go to planned parenthood. Sorry, but your protest is an act of terrorism. Someone doesn’t have to go to a planned parenthood and shoot people for it to be an act of terror. I will say that God, you’re terrorist leader, has gotten so many peoples morals screwed. The fact that people need some higher power to determine their own moral standing makes me believe they are far more susceptible to terrorist propaganda.

My advice to you Pro-lifer’s is to follow the 12 steps program. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Go on, admit that you’re probably a terrorist. And remember that God constructs you as his own image, so seeing as he is your terrorist leader, it comes to no surprise that his loyal subjects would be anything less than a terrorist hidden behind the veil of religion.

Names of the three people murdered in Planned Parenthood shooting

