Alexandra Martinez
Gender Theory
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2015


A Walk Lead To Her Jail Sentence

Cece Mcdonald was just walking down the street when she was brutally acted by a white drunk male for her sexual orientation. Cece is a trans women. Men beated her and in self-defense she stabbed her attacker. Eventually leading to his death. Sources show that this was a hate crime but unfortunately Cece was charged with first degree manslaughter and was forced to accepted a plee that lead her to serve over two years in the prison system.
Instead of defending her the justice system turned against her. The judge ignored the fact that her attacker already had a criminal record with the law. Unfortunately, the jury were not even able to see or access the attackers records. In addition, the judge also stated “that the defense could not call an expert witness who would testify to transgender peoples…[who] experience of violence in their everyday lives.” Thus quote proves that justice system did not provide Cece the proper right to a trial because she was a women of colors and her change in sex. In addition, she was the only women placed in a all male prison. Cece is not the first case to be handled unfairly, as there is a trend of these transwomen being brutally attacked on the street. And like CeCe, there has been a number of cases were the attacker are not punished for their crime. Some consider Cece as a survivor of a hate crime. But not many are as lucky to survive such brutal attacks. These hate crimes towards “ them” have become and epidemic trend as transgender women of color are “ 6 times more likely to experience physical violence.” Thus quote is proving that “ they” are consistently having to defend themselves from brutal attacks because of the constant harassment they face. Transwomen of color are more likely to be targeted then others.

This article ties in well to Simone de Beauvoir article “The Second Sex.” She gives detailed biological characteristics of what women actually is. She states a “female is derogatory not because of the women animality but because it imprisoners her.” I believe that based on the definition provided by Beauvoir, transwomen are always trapped in their body, even when they transition to a female. Beauvoir continues going into details about the development of both genders and closes her argument with the following statement. She states “The enslavement of the female to the species and the limitations of her various powers are extremely important facts; the body of woman is one of the essential elements in her situation in the world. But that body is not enough to define her as.” This quote demonstrates that because of the limitations that are places before women they are often treated unfairly due to their gender that limits them both socially and physically. By stating this quote she is also mentioning that no matter what women may accomplish they will still not be taken seriously and will often be victimized especially if they are women of color. I feel that in Cece’s case because she is a transwomen and because some only identify a hetereo male and female as the “only gender,” then “ they” will never be fully accepted by society. Simone identifies the only two definite species : XX & XY. Transwomen are not taken seriously and are not going to be accepted in society. It is because of this that some people are ignorant and do not accept those who have transitioned.

