Short Short Shorter Shorts

Randa Haakma
Gender Theory
6 min readNov 14, 2015


Since I have been in the university setting I have begin to notice a problem that seems to infiltrate itself into my view all the time. I will see many women dressing in these shorts that could only be described as booty shorts because they basically show that. An interesting question has been brewing in my brain and every time I see one of these girls I really want to ask them why do you crave so much attention? I took a step back from my personal bias however, and thought of the possible answers these girls would have for me.

No class in her ass

The first answer I came up with is that they simplistically enjoy wearing this type of clothing. Granted were located in Southern California and it does get pretty damn hot out here during basically all forms of the seasons so shorts are basically a clothing essential as it is, and the short shorts allow for easier air flow. In recent years too I have noticed a gradual decrease in fabric for shorts. Many of the shorts that stores sell during summer especially have barely any coverage and the leg line cuts off practically where the crotch line does so perhaps the girls who wear the shorts just did not feel like searching for regular length shorts.

The second answer I came up with is that many girls feel empowered through their choice in outfits, short shorts included, because it makes them feel like they have the free agency to be able to decide what they will wear. This can especially be true in a university setting where there are no particular dress codes unlike the three inches to the knee rule that was enforced in high school. The shorts being so short show most of the girls legs which could project her awareness and confidence in her body. As Bell Hooks, a feminist thinker and critique, states in a video interview “This Ain’t No Pussy Shit” that her body is her body and she decides what she will dress in. Hooks defends a woman’s rights to dress herself.

A new definition

The third answer I thought of is some women may dress the way they dress on purpose to elicit attention from people. This idea stems from the word slut. Usually used to undermine women and tear them down when the word here is defined in a different light where instead of negativity defining a slut as “a woman who has multiple sexual partners” the new definition reads Slut: A woman with the same morals as a man” which equalizes the actions of these women instead of undermining them to be under men who many perform the same actions sed “sluts” do. Many feel they will be judged regardless so why fight? Our society runs on labels no matter what a woman does.

Damned if you do damned if you don't…damned either damn way

Feminism will defend these women’s rights to dress themselves the way they want sure, but that does not mean that I want to see other girl’s ass when im walking to class.

For me and many other fellow women that I have been around when I site one of these short short wearers the idea behind it and why they may dress this way is great but in practice makes me feel uncomfortable with my own body. Bell Hooks the same feminist critique mentioned above attacked the famous hip hop singer Beyonce when she produced her TIME magazine cover by calling her a “terrorist” to feminism.

“the major assault on feminism in our society has come from visual media and from television and videos.” To continue her point, and by Beyoncé ascribing to the dominant standard of beauty in photos like the one of her on Time, she is part of the problem of women being encouraged to uphold impossible beauty standards.”

Quite ironically Hooks critiques Beyonce for not having enough agency over her photo shoot she attacks her clothing choice and body position stating that she looked “childish” and that for being named one of the most influential people she looked very striped of power and entitlement. Beyonce did have full executive control over how she looked for her shoot but still managed to appear dis-empowered why? Hooks feels that Beyonce through not taking more consideration over how the end picture is presented makes her a conformist to the male gaze and therefore sets up the idea that women’s bodies no matter how powerful will always succumb to what a male audience expects from them.

Hop hop in many forms have been critiqued for selling the idea that women’s bodies are property which can be owned and dominated and that women are submissive to this force of hegemonic masculinity that essentially “controls” them. In a recently released rap song I heard on the radio the other day the singer was talking about a woman who was drinking and in doing so began exhibiting erotic behaviors. The main chorus goes “somebody come get shes dancing like a stripper…somebody come tip her she’s dancing like a stripper…somebody come get her she’s feelin all the liquor.” and upon watching the music video the artist was surrounded by women all dressed in short cropped tops and short shorts who were twerking and showing their ASSets off for all male eyes to take notice of. This video is just one example of female conformity to the male audience and actually shows their consent and willingness to present themselves as “strippers” or any other labels that may be used to undermine female agency.

Cool slut shaming bro…

In another video I found on YouTube it is a cover song sung by Niykee Heaton to a song produced by The Weeknd, Ty Dolla $ign, and K Camp “Or Nah”. The lyrics to this song are extremely sexualized and for basically all of the song the artists rap about “shmanging” some girl (who they don’t even care what her name is). I found it incredible that this female artist, through her voice is lovley, sang along with the exact lyrics from the original song. Many women do this with popular media and songs, mysef included, we hear something with a fresh beat and even though the lyrics are demeaning to females and often times offensive we simply conform to what is being sung.

These short shorts are my idea of conformity. They are the bomb that is being thrown in the face of women by ironically other women, so women have become terrorists to each other. We are unable to even show support for one another because popular media has made it to where certain behaviors and body types have been classified as what is necessary to have if you are a woman. Even Beyonce states so herself “It is her choice to literally show her ass in the “Partition” and “Blow” videos because it is such a fine ass.” Affidemento? Networking system? Reality slut shaming and judgement. It’s sad how even the clothes women choose to wear present an opportunity to label them.

