Thanks mom and women everywhere. Also a hope for the future.

Unnati Gandhi
Gender Theory
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2015
Source: Google Images

Tom Haverford, the typical ladies’ man. He is what all ladies’ men aspire to be or is he? As I sit here, watching “Parks and Recreation,” I am watching Tom’s character judge women because they don’t meet his tastes. In the current episode, Tom is planning on breaking up with his girlfriend because she doesn’t appreciate his thread sheet count or know who the singer Ginuwine is.

Why is that woman constantly have to give into men? Why is that women have to change their interests because men aren’t interested in women who have nothing in common with them? What happened to idea of “opposites attract”? Women are one of the most complicated and gentle individuals in the world. Women shouldn’t have to give into men. Men should give into women. Men should be the ones who change their interests for a woman’s attention.

Women are constantly being demeaned and subjecting themselves to being judged. Women are constantly being told to change how they look because society won’t accept them. Why? What’s the point? Mothers with daughters have the intention of raising them to be strong and independent, why are men and society always telling women how to act, what to wear, basically who to be?

This needs to stop. The reason, I think, feminism is a thing in today’s society is not just because of the women’s suffrage movement from back in the day, but because the problems those women faced generations before have resurfaced as different manifestations. Rather than being able to not vote, women today have to fight for how they present themselves to society.

I know, this article is just me blurting things going through my head about women and how they need to stop being seen as weak and docile. To paraphrase Foucault, docile bodies are swayed by rules and society. Women are not weak. I think women are the strongest individuals out there. They started off with such little power and now look where they have come to. I would like to thank the women of the past for paving the way for to be able to achieve my dreams in the future. Thanks to my mom, I was taught not to take shit from anyone and learn how to grow from whatever situation I am thrown into because that is the only way I will grow as a person.

There are women out there who come out of abusive relationships and have to start over with their kids. There are women who have to provide for their families by working odd jobs. There are women who are physically incapacitated, yet they still are strong enough to make a difference. Women are able to do anything they set their minds to. Men and society don’t comprehend just how powerful the women force is. We have a women running for the president of the United States, for Pete’s sake!

As a young women, myself, I am hoping I can make a lasting impact on the world for future generations of women. I am hoping that all the struggles and situations I faced in my life will help girls and women alike in the future. I hope to become the Beyoncé of the next generation and strive to create a world where women aren’t changing themselves for Tom Haverfords and society, a world where women are seen as equals or even greater than men, a world where women aren’t afraid to be who they are, and a world where my future daughter can become the strong and brave woman she is entitled to be.

